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Thread: Full moon landscapes

  1. #21
    chassis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Really excellent. Your website and explanation of your process is very good. Thanks for sharing.

    Quote Originally Posted by ROL View Post
    I think I may have already posted this somewhere:

    Mono Moon (5X7 TXP 320, 300mm Nikkor, f22, 8s)

    Taken 2 days prior to full moon to allow the moon to rise in the sky while landscape still lit adquately from dusk light of set sun. See this for a look at the negative's original proof.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Boulder, CO

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Here's one I did with close to a full moon illuminating the landscape. I believe it was about an hour at f/11 or so. Ignore the spots in the sky - turned out to be a fingerprint or two on the negative which caused uneven development.


  3. #23
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
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    Re: Full moon landscapes


  4. #24

    Join Date
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    Uralla, NSW Australia

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Are they headlights? There are cars in Yosemite?

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Moonrise at Spuyten Duyvil, Ektar 100

  6. #26
    chassis's Avatar
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    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom J McDonald View Post
    Are they headlights? There are cars in Yosemite?
    Yes, cars are present in Yosemite National Park.

  7. #27

    Join Date
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    Denmark, Europe

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    I'm going to show you a couple of full moon landscapes. However, they are not LF, so if they are not permitted, then I'll remove them again...

    Also, this is why I am showing them as small thumbs..

    Now you're "warned"... (I am thinking it would be ok'ish as the OP asked for shared experience in taking pictures in full moon.. and this is mine..)

    I had this amazing experience a couple of years ago - New Years night. Lots of snow - frost in the trees - full moon, and not a lot of wind..

    Decided to go for a walk in the garden and try this out.

    Exposure approx 30sec. F2.8. Ilford film, pushed beyond belief....

    This came out.

  8. #28
    Facial Hair Enthusiast
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    Nashville, TN

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    This image was made at dusk with a 3 minute exposure, Astia 100 film, and a 150mm APO Sironar N lens.

  9. #29

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    Re: Full moon landscapes

  10. #30
    runs a monkey grinder Steve M Hostetter's Avatar
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    Beech Grove Indiana

    Re: Full moon landscapes

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom J McDonald View Post
    Are they headlights? There are cars in Yosemite?

    Speaking of cars, If I hadn't stayed here as long as I did shooting this scene I'd probably be dead..

    I happened to drive by a car wreck that happened just before I got to a dangerous curve.. A auto apparently crossed over the lanes and went over the guard rail off a steep hill into pitch blackness..

    I could hear emergency vehicles on there way.. One of those times when you think to yourself, " If I hadn't of stayed where I was another few min.or sec. I'd be dead "

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