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Thread: Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    At a commercial site I won't mention I saw for sale a ~210mm ~F8 lens that is described as small and covers 11X14. It is said that the only other lenses that will cover 11X14 with such quality are the Schneider 210mm S-A and 210mm SSXL and the 200mm Grandagon, which as many know are rather huge and and heavy lenses. The seller does not give the name of the lens.

    Any speculation on what lens this is?
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  2. #2

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    210 Computar Apo-Symmetrigon????????

  3. #3

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    210 Goerz Hypergon perhaps if it exists.

  4. #4
    the Docter is in Arne Croell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Huntsville, AL

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    The same question, related to the very same ad at Glen Evans ( web site came up 3 years ago, although no definite answer was found at that time, check: <a href=""> <a/>

    Apparently, he hasn't sold the lens in the last 3 years.

  5. #5
    Doug Dolde

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    Why not just ask the seller?

  6. #6
    the Docter is in Arne Croell's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Huntsville, AL

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    Doug, because he won't tell, this is the full text:

    " ~210mm ~F8 lens, coated, new all black Copal #1, covers 11X14, small, Mint, $1600. The only other similar focal length lenses that will cover 11X14 with such quality are the Schneider 210 S-A and 210 Super SymmarXL and the 200 Grandagon, and they are 6-7# heavier, 20 times larger, and much more expensive. Because this lens' capabilities are known only by a few very knowledgeable photographers, and although rare, the lens does come onto the market occasionally (I've bought 2 in the last 10 years), and I don't want any more competition than necessary--I will not list the lens' name. If you buy it from me you'll know, but you won't have any need for another. 25% restocking charge if returned. If you want to see for yourself what the lens can do, send $50 for 11X14 contact print made with this lens"

  7. #7

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    Ive seen similar claims on the agfa repromaster/staeble ultragon (same lens). These are process lenses which came in 150mm f9 and 210mm f9 versions. Without the deceptive advertizing, these usually sell for under $50 each. I bet that is what the 'mistery lens' is.

    I've thought about buying one just for fun, but the 'if it looks too good to be true..' addage has allways held me back.

    Maybee someone who has tried the lens can comment on the coverage and sharpness.. it may be decent lens, or it may be utter crap.

  8. #8

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    The fact that he has written that the lens is "rare" would suggest that it is NOT a Repromaster or Ultragon, which are very common on eBay.

    For what is worth, I have bought and sold equipment to Glen, and have found him friendly, very honest, but quite expensive.

  9. #9
    tim atherton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1998

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    The (small/compact/copal 1 fitting) Computar 210 f9/6.8 covers 11x14 doesn't it?
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  10. #10

    Mystery ~210mm ~F/8 lens that covers 11X14?

    I have a friend who bought one from Glenn and he says it is a computar. The lens is the same as a Kowa 210 and I think it is really an f/9. I'll have to ask my friend about the discrepancy f/8 vs. f/9.

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