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Thread: Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

  1. #1
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Beverly Hills, CA

    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    I recently printed a batch of Ilfochrome prints in their P30 chemistry using a Jobo CPP2 with an 8x10 print drum. I followed the Jobo and Ilford instructions and used fresh chemistry and paper.

    However the backs of the prints just look awful: Serious staining, brown, yellowing, and sometimes even green stains are evident. The level of stains looks really pathetic. The entire backs of the prints are yellow stained!

    Anyone else have this experience? Is this typical of Cibachrome prints in general? Will this staining affect print longevity? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this due to the fact that the backs of prints in the jobo drums (due to the ridges) do not get adequate exposure to freely flowing chemistry?

    I was thinking of eventually getting a Fujimoto type roller-transport processor for color work, but I wonder if any one with experience with roller-transport type processors can tell me if they observed Cibachrome print stains on the back of those prints too?

    Thank you in advance for any input.

  2. #2
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
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    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    The original Cibachrome drums were smooth, so the backs of the prints had no particular contact with the chemistry at all, so I would rule that out as a cause.

    Are you rinsing the drum between prints?

  3. #3

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    Sep 2003

    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    I don't know about Cibachrome but with RA-4 if I don't wipe the drum dry then the prints can have wierd spots. This happens even with the first step of RA-4 being a wash for me.

  4. #4

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    New Jersey, USA

    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    I had this problem once or twice with my CPE and 11x14 drum (but 8x10 prints). You must fully wash the drum between prints, disassemble it if you can, rinse all surfaces with fast flowing hot water, then you must fully dry it (and I mean TOTALLY). I use a paper towel and hairdryer.

    That should do the trick.

  5. #5
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    O.K., thanks guys. This makes some sense as my very first batch when drums new had only comparably mild discoloration on back of prints.

    I will clean drum with hot water between uses next time and see if that makes things better.

  6. #6

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    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    Are you washing in the tank? I just wash in the tank and then wipe the tank dry. It's not any chemical residue that's the problem but just plain water. I don't understand it. Wiping the tank dry is enough to get good prints. Water drops cause problems.

  7. #7
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    Yes, I have been washing in the tank using distilled water, and drying carefully after that.

  8. #8

    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    I use the identical set up to your Jobo CPP2 with lift and print drums up to max. 24 X 20 inches. You most likely have cross contamination which can be at any stage, even in the mixing of the chemicals in their containers.

    I am very pernikety in that I will not use any recepticle other than that for a particular chemical. I have not had your problem using the Jobo processor. Check your chemistry and cleanliness again and again, I am sure you can sort this problem out.

    You do not say wether you have had good results in the past from your Jobo processor, or is this your first attempt? Let us know when you get perfect results, as I am confident you will.

  9. #9

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    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    You should have no stains on the back of the prints of any kind if things are going properly. Until you've reach that point, I would be suspect of everthing in your process (age of paper, age of chemistry, cleanliness of processor and graduates, washing, water source, etc.). This should be a fairly simple procedure, the only real drawback being the cost of the materials.

    Are you using the partial chemical reuse method (to conserve chemicals) between runs? If so, you need to rinse between each step to reduce chemical contamination going forward. Also, which Ilfochrome material are you using (poly or RC based)? You mention that your first prints had only "mild discoloration." What color? If yellow, I'm stumped. If greenish/bluish, wash the prints longer, as I find that there is a blue dye that needs to be washed out thoroughly (even just soaking in water with occasional replacement removes this dye).

    Good luck, and keep us posted. Paul
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  10. #10
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Beverly Hills, CA

    Problems with Ilfochrome Prints Processed with Jobo

    Thanks Guys. Lots of good ideas. The good point being that it sounds like Ilfochrome is doable on the CPP2

    FYI, I was using the Deluxe polyester materials, with partial chemistry reuse, CPP2 with lift. Dedicated containers.

    My very first Ilfochromes came out perfect in this respect, except for mild green stain marks on small area on back of prints.

    Most recently (when I got the obnoxius yellow stains which I didn't notice 'til days later), incomplete cleaning of drum between runs and/or stale/contaminated chemistry could be cause.

    Paper was fresh though - I used it once previously, and re-froze it. Completely thawed when I used it again.

    Thanks again all for your help. I will get back to the Ilfochrome processing as soon as I have free time again, and implement the changes suggested here.

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