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Thread: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Lawrence, KS

    Question Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Does such an item exist?

    I'm imagining a holder that will fit in a typical 4x5" spring back and that holds the film (or plate) behind a glass pressure plate.

    The reason I want one is to make some experiments with screen-plate color photography. My screens are made by taking a picture of a TV screen onto 4x5" slide film... I call it, the TV-screen-plate.

    My biggest challenge so far has been getting flush contact between the screen & the film behind it. I saw something that resembled this on APUG once, and if I can find a link I'll post it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    I have several in 8x10 -- but I do not know about 4x5.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Yadkinville, NC, USA

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    I have one in 8x10 and one in 5x7. I've never seen a 4x5 version.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Lawrence, KS

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Hmm, that's disappointing. Who made them and what would you call them exactly??

    Is there a foam back for the pressure plate and do they basically fit the description I gave?

    Thanks much guys!

  5. #5
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Everett, WA

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Why can't you just photograph the TV screen normally? Why does the film need to be in contact with the TV screen?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yadkinville, NC, USA

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    I'm not at home right now, but I'm almost positive they're called a "Pressure Plate Holder". Mine are both from Graflex.
    Wood back, covered in felt. No foam. Remind me in a few days and I'll see if I can get a photo posted on Sunday or Monday if you're still interested. We used an identical one (the only other one I've seen in this size) for wet plate use on the 5x7.

  7. #7

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    Lawrence, KS

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Brian, no, that's not the issue.

    This is assuming that I already have taken a picture of the screen in a normal way, and then I need to put this screen in intimate contact with an unexposed piece of film, and expose them together for the color-photograph. That's where the holder comes in. Sorry if I said something oddly.

    cd, that makes sense and now I have a search term! Thanks, and yes, I'd definitely like to see one. I'd also like to get a hold of one now... but maybe I'll have to make it.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Lawrence, KS

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Actually, here are some on Glennview... $100 a pop

    These are "double pressure plate filmholders". Not sure what the double means..

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Those are Linhof Universal holders. Double sided like a "regular" holder. They have a metal spring loaded plate in them that does push up a little. The metal plate is there so one could use a glass plate or film in these holders. I'm not sure I would call them exactly pressure plates as they don't provide much pressure. Found on German E...bay for less $$

  10. #10
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Everett, WA

    Re: Film/Plate Holder with Glass Pressure Plate

    Quote Originally Posted by holmbāgu View Post
    This is assuming that I already have taken a picture of the screen in a normal way, and then I need to put this screen in intimate contact with an unexposed piece of film, and expose them together for the color-photograph.
    What you want is a "contact print frame" or "negative proofer" or "proof printer." Mine is made by Delta (link), with a metal frame and some foam. It originally had a piece of glass on a hinge, but the glass broke and I replaced it with Plexiglas.

    They don't make one specifically for 4x5, but you could make a guide for film placement.

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