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Thread: nightmares at the airport

  1. #31
    Jim Ewins
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    nightmares at the airport

    The greatest loss of life comes from governments. Hitler, Stalin etc

  2. #32

    nightmares at the airport

    Hitler and Stalin were not governments - they were madmen. Are we excusing what is going on in the world right now by saying that it is just evening up the score with what was done in the past? Please let us not deceive ourselves of the threat of this hatred of the West. CNN just posted a poll of Iraqi citizens - they said that they believe that the country will be better off in the futre thanks to the US removing Saddam but THAT THEY STILL DO NOT LIKE THE US. Talk about ungrateful!!!!!!! And for this we suffer airport security intrusions. Go figure.

  3. #33

    nightmares at the airport

    Last time I flew I sent all my stuff Fedex - camera, film, meter, etc. I shipped it to the Fedex station at the destination airport, then drove over and picked it up. It was actually lots less trouble than carrying it through the airport. I sent my film back via Fedex directly to the lab. If you are working, add the transportation charge onto your clients bill. If not, it may still be worth the $50-75 or so you'll spend.

    The most fun part of this trip was when I got picked out of line and searched at my home airport, my destination upon arrival and again on departure. Had to take my shoes off each time, got the wand and all. In each event the person who searched me appeared to be other than American by birth. I was pretty hot and just wanted to scream "DO I LOOK LIKE SOME KINDA DAMNED AL QUIEDA TO YOU??!!" But, I kept my mouth shut, got on the plane and had a safe trip. Imagine a white guy, fiftyish, accent that clearly labels me as from the Southern US. In no way would I fit anybody's terrorist profile if they do use such things.

    I think the total randomness of the searches is part of the plan to tighten things up. There does not seem to be any way to predict who will get picked to be searched or how. And I can understand that a 4x5 or especially larger film boxes could very well hold dangerous items. But hell, I didn't have any of that stuff and still got selected.

    It does seem that there could be some better system for photographers who have to fly. Some kind of early approval system where you get there an extra 30 minutes early to get checked? I don't know!

    I do know that I HATE to fly these days and avoid it whenever possible. What a position for the airlines to be in. Putting their customers through such hassels has got to be horrible for business. But its better than being blown up in the air. Which is what I'd be more concerned with because there will never be another successful hijacking of a US plane - not without one hell of a fight by the other passengers. We learned that lesson the hard way and I think permanently.

    Anyway, flying in the US is really a tiny, tiny problem compared to what our guys fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan go through. Over the next few years they'll straighten those terrorist bastards out and we can slip back into something like the easy life we had before. So think about them next time you are inconvienced at the airport. Remember, no one's shooting at you!

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    nightmares at the airport

    readyload and quickload are the solution !

  5. #35
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    nightmares at the airport

    Coincidently, one of the fallouts I have noticed in the post 9/11 climate as an occaisional street shooter is that many more people will now try to stop me from shooting if they see I am including themselves, their home, or their business in my photograph. This happens now every time I go out and shoot -sometimes 3 times in an afternoon.

    What I see is that there is an underlying acceptance ofn the part of many ordinary people (I speak from experience here in L.A. only) of "totalitarianism for personal convienence" that's slip in under the shadow of 9/11. My impression is there is a minority of people who don't really want "freedom", but rather prefer the convienences of a police state.

    That's sad, because that's what we'll all soon get here in the U.S.

  6. #36

    nightmares at the airport

    Guess I got moderated.

    Sorry if I offended anyone with my observations.


  7. #37

    nightmares at the airport

    "CNN just posted a poll of Iraqi citizens - they said that they believe that the country will be better off in the futre thanks to the US removing Saddam but THAT THEY STILL DO NOT LIKE THE US. Talk about ungrateful!!!!!!! And for this we suffer airport security intrusions. Go figure."

    I know you'd think they'd have got over all those thousands of US caused dead civilians, infrastructure that no longer works since Saddam was ousted, free and democratic elections (for hand picked US endorsed canditates, not those the people want) etc by know. They really should just be grateful and get a life.

    Way OT I know.

  8. #38
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    USA, North Carolina

    nightmares at the airport


    Every time I've traveled with film, I've carried my changing bag. Every time I've been hassled, I've offered to set up the bag and let them open the boxes - in the dark. After you explain to them for four or five times that light ruins film and they have to do it in the dark, you can see the light bulb go off over their heads. It's that you are agreeing to let them open the box, but only under conditions that won't ruin your film that does it.

    All four times they have declined to open the boxes. So yes, I'd say it works.

    That said, if I can get to where I'm going in a car in less than two days, I drive now. The airlines are just way unpleasant (I'm so old I remember when flying used to be pleasant and fun). If I have to fly, I ship the film separately. It's just so much easier to let them xray what they want. Too bad that it only gives the appearance of "security" without actually making flying any more secure.

    BTW, LAX is to be avoided at all costs anyway. But you've figured that out now, haven't you? ;-)

    Bruce Watson

  9. #39

    nightmares at the airport

    Seems to me if you want to carry your film with you and the box has been opened,the solution is simple. We all have empty boxes of film, the new boxes come with two seals, tear one up, put the film in one of the empty boxes and remove the unbroken seal with steam, save it, next time you order film, do the same, and voilą you got two "new" seals you can attach to a box.

    OTOH the simple solution would be to buy film and travel with new unopened boxes. no?

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Mar 1998

    nightmares at the airport

    Lets blame the people who are to blame


    Let's start with Oliver North for cutting arms for hostages deals with the Iranians (thus proving we are corrupt), then go through the various heads of the CIA, NSQ and FBI who thought they could control Osama bin Laden, Next let's proceed to the CIA/NSA execs who backed off of a Clinton ordered cruise missle strike becasue they were afraid one of Osama's pals might be in the hunting camp where Osama was located, and who ignored warnings from field agents. (Presidents George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush are also on the hook). Not to forget Ashcroft. Those are the people to blame in the USA.

    Now we can head overseas; The House of Saud who runnSaudi Arabia, the arabs who support in various ways Osama and his thugs, the Taliban and of course Osama and his minions.

    Let us not forget everyone who bought opium from the Taliban, opium based products, or let the drug trade go through their country.

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