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Thread: Durst 138 - worth buying?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    There's a Durst 138 available locally. It needs some work to bring back to working shape. It was used primarily for 5x7, so the condensor set and negative carrier for 5x7 are present. The owner 'thinks' there may be more condensors and carriers stored away. It's really dusty and dirty from sitting in a basement for 7 years, The mirror may need to be replaced (I've seen replacements on Ebay, though)

    I'm interested in using it for 35mm, 6x6 and 4x5.

    Is this worth $600?

  2. #2

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    I use a 138 8x10 in my lab and it is a great enlarger, but for medium and small format you'd be better off with a much smaller enlarger. Space and weight are a premium and needed for the 138. If you go for the 5x7 and up and the enlarger is cleanable and can be brought back to life without spending any more $$$ than go for it. Today, you can get all sort of enlargers very cheap. look around. Good luck, Abe

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Seattle, Washington

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    It seems as though the digital revolution has dropped the bottom out of the LF enlarger market. The bigger the enlarger, the harder to get rid of. I just bought a beautiful Fotar 8x10 2000 watt color enlarger with two high quality lenses for $500, and I probably could have talked the seller down if my conscience would have permitted. What it's worth is really a relative question. Is it worth it to you? You could probably get as good or better deal if you shop around. 4x5 enlargers are more expensive because they take up less space and are just as useful for users of 4x5 down. If you plant to enlarge 5x7 at some point, that would mitigate in favor of the 138, but if you don't it might not be worth the hassle to restore and the space it requires. Good luck.

  4. #4

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    I got a 138 for free along with all condensors and several lenses. It is a great enlarger for 5x7 and 4x5 but a pain for 26x36. Unfortunately I have the smallest lab in the universe and no space for my Leitz focomat so it has really stopped me from using smaller formats. I dont make 6x6 but there's a frame for it and I suppose it would be somewhat less awkward than 135

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    In the condition you stated. I would only offer to remove it for him for free. Nothing more.

  6. #6
    Michael Jones's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 1998
    Nashville, Tennessee

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    Assuming all the pieces are intact, primarily the neg carrier & inserts, what you will be getting beneath the dust is a precision enlarger with the ability to be aligned and adjusted to an extent possible in a few enlargers. I've "restored" three Durst 5x7 enlargers in conditions as you described. It really only takes a few hours of cleaning with a mild solvent and compressed air. The difference between a Durst and any other enlarger is vast. These were built so people could earn a living with them, so they are durable, parts are easy to replace and it can be placed back into alignment perfectly. Parts are relatively inexpensive, except the carrier and inserts. For example, replacement bellows are as little as $75. Unless you do 35mm (get a Leica), if you have the space or can make it, you will not regret buying a Durst.

    “You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2004

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    Joe, visit this website: it is really informative on the 138 + other Dursts. It has download pdf's of manuals & in depth info. As for $600. goto or next page: you will be pleasantly surprised by the high cost of these Durst Precision pieces of kit, & be happy that you only paid $600. I am on the other end of the spectrum of selling my 138s with Col.head. After using it for 15 years (and 30 years printing professionally) Good luck with your new kit.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    I my L138 and for $600 I would say you are getting a good deal. You will find it to be one of the finest enlargers ever built. The parts are readily avaliable via several stores, however Ebay frequently has components at reasonable costs.

  9. #9

    Durst 138 - worth buying?

    The prices at Jensen Optical and Glenn View are at the high end. The prices are worth it to some buyers, but a used enlarger in uncertain condition that needs at least a thorough cleaning should go for substantially less. Buying from those dealers should ensure one of getting a complete enlarger ready for use. If you want price comparison prices from sales of enlargers more comparable in condition and guarantee to the one that you are considering, try using the advanced search page of ebay to search completed auctions.

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