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Thread: Self Publishing

  1. #11
    42 is The Answer
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    Nov 2010
    Hamilton, Canada

    Re: Self Publishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Kelsey View Post
    If you don't need stunning graphics, but just good image quality, Lightning Source is the way to go. Good prices, consistent quality and a world wide distribution chain through Ingram (including Amazon listings).

    These guys are real pros, make Blurp look like the schlocks that they are
    Great tip Ed,
    Have you or anyone you know published a photographic book through Lightning Source?.. if so, what do you think of the quality of the photographs?
    If Blurb is a 1 and Lodima is a 10, where might Lightning Source stand in terms of image quality?

  2. #12
    Joshua Tree, California
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Self Publishing

    Yes I have. On their premium paper vs Blurp's premium paper they are a little behind, maybe a 2 or 3. The prices are quite a bit less from LSI but you do have to pay some set up and distribution fees.

    Don't know what Lomida is.

  3. #13
    Camera Antipodea Richard Mahoney's Avatar
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    Oxford, New Zealand

    Re: Self Publishing

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald Miller View Post
    ... I know that there are a number here that have self published using various POD printers. My question is has anyone here printed a larger run of a photo book? I know that these have been done because I see these books in Borders and Barnes and Noble.

    If so what are the obstacles to gaining wide spread distribution? I realize that an ISBN number is vital to book recognition. Have you obtained an ISBN number in your own behalf? Have you formed your own publishing company in order to obtain a number? How costly is obtaining a number? I realize that doing a self publishing one must market their own book. Is this an obstacle that many find beyond their means or are there other obstacles? ...
    You may like to look at the printing and distribution offered by:

    Lightning Source

    You may also find this useful:

    Self-Publishing Review :: Publish With Lightning Source

    Best regards,

    Richard Mahoney
    M: +64-21-064-0216 T: +64-3-312-1699 E:

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: Self Publishing

    What is your motivation?

    If you want an elegant portfolio in book form, then printing high-quality inkjets and binding them into a book is going to present the best image quality. A place like BookSmart Studios will work with you to do this. If you have ready buyers then you might do a small edition and sell them at high prices, like $600 to $1000 each.

    Maybe you want the satisfaction of mass-market success? Well you better have amazing photos of a hot topic, in which case you might use something like a Blurb book to test your concept, get the sequencing right, etc. Going to a real publisher with a decent Blurb mock-up and some self-generated early sales is a pretty nice marketing tool to have.

    Or maybe you want to blow $10K or more of your money into a short run vanity book to be hawked at museums and galleries for the next decade or three? Well knock yourself out! But it seems kind of pointless to me.

    They don't call them "vanity presses" for nothing!

    Getting an ISBN is simple. Getting a good editor and designer is ... well how many truly good books do you currently own?

  5. #15
    42 is The Answer
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Hamilton, Canada

    Re: Self Publishing

    ...dyslexia strikes again... Lodima is what I meant, not Lomida. Sorry.

  6. #16
    Some people are bullfighters, CCB's Avatar
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    So. Calif.

    Re: Self Publishing

    Has anyone published their work in a magazine format?

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Self Publishing

    Thanks to each of you that took your time to comment. I appreciate your input.

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