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Thread: Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

  1. #1

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    I use a Linhof TK45S and have read that a Linhof focus/metering bellows can be used to obtain accurate exposure readings that take into account bellow extension and filter compensation.

    Are only certain Luna Pro meters to be used with this bellows and is an adapter required to allow a meter to be used with the bellows?

    Is someone able to describe the steps used to obtain an exposure reading using this metering bellows and exposure meter.

    Thank you, Harvey

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    1: you must use a fresnel screen. 2: you need the Gossen, or other manufacturer's society microscope adapter accessory 3: you need to find the exposure correction for the specific ground glass/fresnel combination. 4: unscrew the removeable element of the magnifier in the Focus/Meter Bellows (old ones do not have a removeable element) 5: put the adapter with the meter attached into the rubber eyepiece of the Focus/Meter Bellows. 6: Center the eyepiece over the desired area you want to meter and take a reading. If you pull the eyepiece/meter all the way away from the gg you are taking an average of the entire gg image. If you place the eyepiece/adapter directly on the gg you are metering a spot about the size of a quarter. 7: If you install a different gg or fresnel you must compue the new correction factor.

    The easiest way to determine the factor for the gg/fresnel is to meter a grey card through the gg/fresnel and meter it directly. The difference is the factor (make sure you compensate for any bellows factor for the reading of the card directly.

  3. #3

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    Bob, I thank you for your prompt and very descriptive response.

    Am I correct to say that Linhof makes such a microscope adapter for Goosen meters? Are the Goosen exposure meters the only ones that can be used? Only specific models of the Goosen meters can be attached to the microscope adapter?

    It definitely seems that, once the exposure correction has been found, using the meteriong bellows is a sure method to determine "correct" exposure without being confused by bellow extension or the need to think about the right amount of exposure compensation because of the use of filters.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    Microscope adapters are made by the meter manufacturers. Linhof sells the one made by Gossen. It would be less expensive to buy the adapter from a Gossen dealer. If your dealer is not a Gossen dealer then we do have some in stock. We do not caarry Minolta or Sekonic adapters. Those would have to be bought from their dealers.

    While Minolta and Sekonic adapters should fit the opening they may not make as good a seal with the eyepice as the eyepiece opening was based on the Gossen adapter.

  5. #5

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    If using only a gg (no fresnel screen) is it possible to obtain an accurate exposure reading by placing an exposure meter up against the gg while beneath a focusing cloth?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    "If using only a gg (no fresnel screen) is it possible to obtain an accurate exposure reading by placing an exposure meter up against the gg while beneath a focusing cloth?"

    In the center but not off center. It requires a fresnel or other screen system that evens out the light distribution across the screen.

  7. #7

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    I thank you, Bob. The information and product support you provide is one good reason to use Linhof equipment. Can instuctiuons for loading a Super Rollex be obtained via HP Marketing?

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    You can call us to order instruction books. 800 735-4373. However we only have them for current versions.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    I have a Linhof focus/metering bag which I use all the time. Now the soft material has come undone from the integrated magnifier, which now falls out routinely as a result. Does anyone know where or how I could have it repaired? The new ones are quite pricey. Many thanks!

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Linhof Focus/Metering Bellows

    Quote Originally Posted by J Maxwell View Post
    I have a Linhof focus/metering bag which I use all the time. Now the soft material has come undone from the integrated magnifier, which now falls out routinely as a result. Does anyone know where or how I could have it repaired? The new ones are quite pricey. Many thanks!
    252 652 4401 is Marflex service. But I don't think that ones as old as yours are repairable.

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