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Thread: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    San Gabriel Valley, California

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    I would let them give you the citation and then fight in court, if it came down to that.
    I have been hassled when shooting a building at night. The person wanted ID and who I was shooting for. I told them I was just shooting for myself and was a photography student.
    I know that in the Hollywood area, if you try to setup and take some photos in front of famous landmarks, you can get hassled and asked for permits.
    This has come about due to motion picture companies going way back in time. They used to film all over the place causing crowd problems. Not too far from my house McDonalds' has one of their restaurants just for shooting commercials. I have seen up to 4 Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs controlling traffic in the area, just for a TV commercial. This is one of the reasons why Hollywood has lost so much filming business in the area. The cost of permits and hiring traffic control, off duty police for control has made the area too expensive.
    Maybe next time they stop you while shooting, tell them the camera doesn't have any film and you can't figure out how to load the 35mm roll of film or where the flash card is supposed to go.

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    San Fernando Valley, CA

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    hahah That's classic, "Sorry Mr. Ranger I can't figure how to load this 35mm film into my field camera."

    I don't know if I should bother going back there again it would seem as if I was looking for trouble. I want to continue defending my case to the person in charge until finally she agrees and lets me photograph there.

    This is the photo that got me "busted" I wanted to go back there with a 4x5 instead of my 67.

  3. #23

    Talking Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    Quote Originally Posted by ElRooster View Post
    hahah That's classic, "Sorry Mr. Ranger I can't figure how to load this 35mm film into my field camera."

    I don't know if I should bother going back there again it would seem as if I was looking for trouble. I want to continue defending my case to the person in charge until finally she agrees and lets me photograph there.

    This is the photo that got me "busted" I wanted to go back there with a 4x5 instead of my 67.

    Nice shot Rooster, how much for an 8x10, and can I get it matted and framed?

  4. #24

    Join Date
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    San Fernando Valley, CA

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    hahahaha hey now! Funny. Are you the park ranger trying to bust me?

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    I will cheerfully disobey this oppressive law. Public lands are paid for by public dollars. I pay a huge amount of taxes and will photograph anything I darn well please as long as the park is open. Period.

  6. #26

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    Quote Originally Posted by ElRooster View Post
    hahahaha hey now! Funny. Are you the park ranger trying to bust me?
    Lol just yankin ur chain.I feel your pain, I was harassed at a local city park shooting some shrubs, was using a dslr on a big Feisol tripod, the guy got on his radio and was talking with dispatch making me sound like an alleged criminal.I just started packing up my gear to leave and said if you have a problem call city police.Jumped in my Jeep and left watching him take down my plate number in the rear view.Guy was a jerk.I lost interest in photography and stopped shooting for three months after that incidence.Finally went back to shooting my shells and still lifes at home where the only one who harreses me is the wife, which sometimes can be worse lol

  7. #27

    Join Date
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    Southern California

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Strobel View Post
    Lol just yankin ur chain.I feel your pain, I was harassed at a local city park shooting some shrubs, was using a dslr on a big Feisol tripod, the guy got on his radio and was talking with dispatch making me sound like an alleged criminal.I just started packing up my gear to leave and said if you have a problem call city police.Jumped in my Jeep and left watching him take down my plate number in the rear view.Guy was a jerk.I lost interest in photography and stopped shooting for three months after that incidence.Finally went back to shooting my shells and still lifes at home where the only one who harreses me is the wife, which sometimes can be worse lol
    The world is full of petty people desperately trying to exert some sort of power over somebody, anybody, and this economy isn't helping either... They get their five minutes by trying to ruin your day and it is up to you if you will let them.

    But as long as you are on public property, you can safely ignore them or, better, tell them to go pound sand. I've had a few of those pompous little nobodies become persistent to the point of being aggressive, but when I pull my cellphone and tell them that I will be happy to call the police if they won't or can't, they go away.

    I am not a lawyer, but this guy is and the law seems to be pretty simple in this respect.

  8. #28

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    I am not a lawyer, but this guy is and the law seems to be pretty simple in this respect.
    Thanks Marko, printed and in my lens bag as I type.Yeah in my case it was a security guard, and pound sand indeed

  9. #29
    Robert Brummitt's Avatar
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    Beaverton, Oregon

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    Long ago, before 911. I was photographing a friend, we were doing street photography with buildings as a back drop. Well, along comes a security guard saying that I couldn't do that. I replied that we were on the public sidewalk and that the building in question are in plain view and that it could be photograph it.
    He was getting upset with me, started to use his radio to call for back up when just so happen a police car was driving by. The guard launched out to wave the car in. He told the officer his complaint and the officer listened, asked me my side and my friends side then told the guard that we are on public property and the building is in plain sight from the sidewalk and that we had not committed a crime.
    Now after 911 and that governments need funds, I wonder if I could be legal these days? I had organized several photographers rights and the law lectures and maybe I should do that again.

  10. #30
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Updated: Photo Permits on US and California public lands

    A long while back I have been approached a couple times by rangers asking why I was photographing. At the time I could not figure out why they were asking, but I told them I was an artist and I was making art. This seemed to confuse them and they eventually left.


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