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Thread: Tracks to Stocholm

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Tracks to Stocholm

    One of my beginning 4x5 shots. Would love your critique, suggestions and comments..

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Tracks to Stocholm

    The upper part is not really interesting, but lower clearly shows meaning: life is a bunch of ways, with a fair choice of change. But nevertheless, we all end in the same place.

  3. #3
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Tracks to Stocholm

    Over-all a very good beginning 4x5 image.

    Actually, I like it much better with the bottom half cropped off. Or even cropping out the bottom to make a square image.

    1) There is a strange feeling of curvature in the lower right which causes my eye to drop down and off the image in that direction -- in turn this causes a disconnect between the top and the bottom of the image -- not harmonious. It looks more to be two images -- one of the tracks and one of the city.

    2) By cropping a little less than half off the bottom (to that curved post next to the tracks on the left), the tracks still are a strong element, but balanced by the roadway in the lower left and the road bridge on the left. One could also take a little sky out.

    3) Cropping off the bottom to create a square image, also makes a fine image -- but only due to my love of square images!

    But these are only my biases showing. If you do not think that these suggestions make for a stronger image, that is completely understandable.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Syracuse, NY

    Re: Tracks to Stocholm

    One of your first shots? Good heavens....well done indeed! I quite like the view that you've selected.

    I've been reorganizing my negatives recently, which has entailed looking at some of my very earliest attempts--certainly more painful for me than it will be for you, I'm sure!

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