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Thread: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

  1. #11

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Dear Gem,

    I appreciate that you respond to my previous answer and that you ask open questions.

    With regard to my survey, I am not aware that I should have asked the moderators. I do not think there is any harm in my questions, actually I suppose that there will be forum members are actually interested in the results. As mentioned I will publish the results on the forum once the survey and analysis are completed.

    With kind regards,

    Barend Jan
    Barend Jan de Jong

  2. #12
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Survey completed!


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Didn't anyone read the P.S. at the bottom of the post?

    Sounds like a disclaimer to me.

    Spammers are becoming more and more sophisticated in figuring out a means of obtaining free advertising space on the internet and clever techniques for building up their data bases.

    I only hope this is not a spammer at work.

  4. #14
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston Texas

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    My 8x10 is a Kodak 2-D. I would like to try out a Deardorff, Zone VI or a newer full featured camera in 8x10 such as Canham, Ritter or other modern camera of new manufacture.

    My 4x5 kit was bought whole at one of the last big camera shows in Houston. It was a great deal on a complete shooter’s outfit. And yet, I might like to swap out a lens or two and maybe get a camera with longer bellows draw.

    This survey is directed at reporting the gear we actually have and use. That is fine , as far as it goes, however this survey assumes that what I have is exactly what I want. This is not necessarily the case. Perhaps a follow-up survey would also be helpful. Another survey might ask similar questions about what we would like to use. These two surveys together would give a more complete picture.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  5. #15
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Jun 1999
    Everett, WA

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Gem Singer View Post

    Look at questions 3 and 9.
    Look at the survey! I don't think that Barend knows too much about film or LF. If he were a shill for Kodak or Ilford or who knows, then the questions would reflect some expertise. Are you sure your paranoia is justified?

    * 2. What is your the film-size you use for large format most frequently?
    6x6 cm rollfilm cassette
    6x7 cm rollfilm cassette
    6x9 cm sheetfilm

    * 7. Under which category would you classify your large format work?

    Barend: 120/220 roll film doesn't come in a cassette. It comes on a spool, like a spool of thread. Also, roll film is not normally used on a large format camera. 6x9 sheet film hasn't been produced for quite a while. While someone may have a camera which uses that format, it won't be their #1 rig. While an edible substance may be a part of a "still life" photograph, it won't be a seperate category. I think people photograph their pets more than they photograph their dinner plate.

    I have no problem with the survey.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Dr. Singer, I don't sense any sinister espionage going on with the survey, but I respect your judgment. Still, what's wrong with a big company or a foreign government taking an interest in what LF users own and prefer?

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Frisco, Texas

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey


    How do you know whether, when you click on the "survey" link in the post, a cookie isn't being planted in your computer?

    Don't be surprised if you receive a PM or Email from someone in a foreign country offering a deal on a new type of penis enlarger.

    After all, that is a type of large format, isn't it? (insert smiley face here).

  8. #18
    Well, I have half a mind!
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    West Virginia, USA

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Frankly, I am with Gem Singer on this. The "survey" may be harmless but it doesn't belong here nevertheless. The OP could have just as easily asked the same questions via one of the polls that are often posted on this forum. bjdejong is a newbie gathering information on forum members by requesting that they transfer to another website to answer questions - that automatically makes the request suspect. Just my 2 cents.

  9. #19

    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    It seems like data mining. The motivations aren't necessarily relevant. If you don't mind data mining then go for it.

    He's asking us to go to another website to conduct a survey. There are all sorts of information security issues here from phishing to why are there advertisements on the site if this is just for personal interest?

    I belong to to about half a dozen forums such as this and, to be honest, this is the only one where stuff like this pops up; where someone can join and post advertisements for their own businesses and data mine. Is there anyone filtering this stuff, such as a moderator?

  10. #20

    Join Date
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    SF Bay Area

    Re: Large Format Photography - 2010 Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by Pawlowski6132 View Post

    Why don't we just ask the man why he's collecting this data?
    Better yet, why not let him volunteer the reason.

    I'm with Gem, Bryan and Bob on this, for similar concerns.

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