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Thread: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

  1. #1
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    I'll have 2 to 3 days in each of Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs in early February, driving from one to the other. I would appreciate recommendations on where in those areas to visit with my WP and 7x11 cameras. Thank you!
    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

    -appropriated from Mark Twain

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    Rhyolite is a up from the valley but is well worth the visit, you can photograph without restrictions, no one to tell you to get out and the like.

    The artist's drive, Zabriskie Point, a trip to the North for a tour of Scotty's castle, really a history lesson there and the tour is fantastic. Others will of course tell you more places.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Stevens Point, WI

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    I am going to some of those areas in December myself and I was at Death Valley in February 2009. For what it is worth, I would suggest that you spend all of that time in Death Valley with maybe 1 day in Joshua Tree +/- Salton Sea. Death Valley is one of the best places for B&W photography that I know of and February is wonderful weather there - 70's and sunny in the daytime and 50's at night.

  4. #4
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    Another vote for Artist Drive in Death Valley. Perhaps also Twenty Mule Team Canyon (on the way to Zabriskie Point). Most of the time it is a matter of just seeing an interesting place and deciding to explore it -- I had a good time working just off of Scotty's Castle Road, just north of the Junction over Daylight Pass. It is just an area of eroded ancient lake deposits, but I found an excellant image there. I also enjoyed wandering up the small canyons off of Artists Drive.

    In the far northern end of the park is the Eureka Valley Sand Dunes, but check with the rangers on the road conditions. Very long drive from Furnace Creek. Tallest sand dunes in North America, I think. They put the word Dune in Sand Dune -- all others are just are sand hills. Can be windy, early morning is best. But it probably would require too much of a time comittment to head that far north. The days are short in February!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    If in Palm Springs you could take the aerial tramway up to San Jacinto state park. Beautiful view over the valley and some nice formations (usual rocks and trees LF stuff!) Will probably be on the cold and snowy side up top in Feb though
    "In the field of observation chance favours the prepared mind" -- Pasteur

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Bend, OR

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    Death Valley is huge- bigger than some states and a week there wont allow you to even scratch the surface of what it has to offer. February weather there is ideal- night time lows will be high 50's/low 60's and daytime temps last time I was there at that time were around 80. If you are lucky a nice wind storm will clean all of the footprints off the dunes and give you a nice clean pallete to shoot with. I second the motion above to max out your time there.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    san francisco

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    +1 for the Eureka Dunes. But it is pretty far north, and the road to it inside the Valley might eat your tires. And if you come in from Big Pine, the road crosses over a pretty high summit; that could be snowed-in, depending of course.

    But it's an amazing place, especially if you think you've seen CA's sand dunes already. When I camped at Eureka two years ago, a fighter jet from Top Gun (across the state border in NV) performed an amazing 180 arc over the Eureka Valley, so pitched and low to the ground I could see the pilot right above me. ..for the shortest of moments... then the silence of the valley was shattered by the delayed jet noise. :-/

    If you like Joshua Trees, Lee Flat--a short ways in on the Saline Valley road--has some of the tallest anywhere. Maybe not the "classic" forms, but impressively tall. (~30ft+).

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs


    The last time I visited Death Valley was many years ago with a 810 camera. I would say you need to spend at least 3-4 days there. Skip Palm Springs if you don't have too much time.

    It's too early for me to plan my next year's photo trips, and I usually go to China in Feb for the Chinese New Year to be with my aging parents. But if I can make it, would you like to buddy up with me?

    If I can make the trip, you can use my Ries J tripod and we can share my Chamonix WP camera. All you need to bring is your 7x11 gear. I have a jumbo Harrison film tent and 5 WP film holders. My main work horse will be the 16x20 camera with 14x17 reducing back and a 7x17 camera as a back up. We can lease a 4 wheel drive for the trip.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    Hugo, have you taken people to China? I have no one there and have only been to Hong Kong, I could only stay a short time but short is better than not.


  10. #10
    Richard K. Richard K.'s Avatar
    Join Date
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    Etobicoke (west Toronto), west of the mighty Humber...

    Re: Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo Zhang View Post

    The last time I visited Death Valley was many years ago with a 810 camera. I would say you need to spend at least 3-4 days there. Skip Palm Springs if you don't have too much time.

    It's too early for me to plan my next year's photo trips, and I usually go to China in Feb for the Chinese New Year to be with my aging parents. But if I can make it, would you like to buddy up with me?

    If I can make the trip, you can use my Ries J tripod and we can share my Chamonix WP camera. All you need to bring is your 7x11 gear. I have a jumbo Harrison film tent and 5 WP film holders.
    Hugo, I would be delighted to team up with you in Death Valley. I have increased my stay there (on the advice of all the fine furry forum folk) to 5 days (arriving Feb. 7 and leaving for Joshua Tree morning of Feb. 12). I will PM you once I have all the details of itinerary and equipment logistics sorted out. The possibility of renting a 4 wheel drive and going to the Eureka Dunes or even Saline Valley is certainly tantalizing! I will definitely let you know my plans as soon as they're solidified. Anyone care to join us in DV for a coffee?

    My main work horse will be the 16x20 camera with 14x17 reducing back and a 7x17 camera as a back up. We can lease a 4 wheel drive for the trip.
    WOW!!!!! I think people would pay to see those cameras in action! So, if any of you are around at that time, come to the Valley and look for Hugo's big one!!
    When I was 16 I thought my father the stupidest man in the world; when I reached 21, I was astounded by how much he had learned in just 5 years!

    -appropriated from Mark Twain

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