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Thread: Scanner comparisson page and drum scan limits?

  1. #71

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: Scanner comparisson page and drum scan limits?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lenny Eiger View Post
    I don't know - I mean I think printing in carbon is pretty obsessive. Certainly not so easy to get it just right. As an artist, I am looking for something. Maybe all the links have to function at a high level for it to work.

    I did not say that we should not obsess about our art. What I wrote was, "We need to . . . not obsess too much about one or two single links in the chain."

    Carbon printing is hardly one or two links in the chain. Rather, it is the end process of a very intensive method of making hand made prints that includes many links. Changing any one of those links may or may not diminish the artistic quality of the final product. Scanning a 6X7cm B&W Mamiya 7II negative with an Epson V700 instead of with a dedicated film scanner when the final product is a print 16X20" or larger would surely diminish the artistic quality for me. Scanning a 5X7 B&W negative with an Epson 700 when the final product is a print 16X20" would not diminish the artistic quality for me. The reason is that important image detail would be lost in the first case, in the second case not. So obsessing for me would be worrying about scanning the 5X7 B&W negative with a drum scanner when in point of fact it won't make a hair on a rat's ass difference in the overall quality of the final print.

    I can not say what would or would not be obsessing for you or anyone else, but for my own work I have, for the most part, learned which links require obsessing and which ones do not. But then I am often surprised by real life results.

    For discussion and information about carbon transfer please visit the carbon group at

  2. #72

    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Berlin, Germany

    Re: Scanner comparisson page and drum scan limits?

    Rick, I think you got it pretty accurate.

    The advantage of having a strong sampling signal of high bit depth shows when scanning negatives where the image dynamic range is compressed over a range of 2D or less. When converting the negative to positive in most cases we expand that limited tonal range over the full range of the output medium. Thus we're using only a chunk of the scanner's range.

    Another point to consider is the way the scanner's sensor detects the light. The original sampling signal is linear to the amount of light hitting the sensor. It's the same for PMT and CCD scanners. The brightest stop uses half the signal, the second brightest stop a quarter and so on. If your original signal isn't strong enough there is very little tonal differentiation left for the denser parts of the scanned film.
    Drum scanners route the strong PMT signal through a log amp where it is transformed to a logarithmic density signal that is much closer to our human perception. Before A/D-conversion we already have a more even tonal distribution.
    On CCD scanners this signal transformation is done after A/D-conversion within the software.


  3. #73

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Santa Cruz, CA

    Re: Scanner comparisson page and drum scan limits?

    Quote Originally Posted by sanking View Post
    I can not say what would or would not be obsessing for you or anyone else, but for my own work I have, for the most part, learned which links require obsessing and which ones do not. But then I am often surprised by real life results.
    This is the key, after all, isn't it... to know in one's own process where the obsessing is required...

    Since I have a drum scanner, it is actually easier and faster for me to do things on a drum. I happen to be a tool junkie, I'll admit it, and like using wonderfully designed things...

    Museum Quality Drum Scanning and Printing

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