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Thread: Film exposed in hand inspection

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    I hope the film works out for you. If the person only opened the 1'st layer of box you may be alright.

    I traveled to China and Tibet last year and took a 6x7 and film. I had them hand check the roll film. It wasn't to much a hassle for them or me. I used my backpack for 4x5 to carry the 6x7 and gear. I accidentally left two 4x5 film holders loaded with Tmax-100 in a side pocket. After about 8 passes through various x-ray machines I realized they were there in the backpack. I decided to let the experiment run it's course and let the film be xray'ed and not hand checked for the remainder of the trip. It went through 20 xray machines if it passed through one. Some were for rail travel too, not just for the airliners. One of the sheets from this trip was then shot along with a new piece of film, exposed and developed identically. The differences were indistinguishable to my eye. From now on I will just let film pass through the hand carry machines.

    Best Regards,


  2. #12

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Just put it through the xray, or better yet, send it to yourself. If you are the paranoid type, you can send it via registered mail. If you go that route and it isn't placed in your hands, someone has a huge legal problem. Registered mail is supposed to be kept under lock and key all through its journey.

  3. #13
    Tim Meisburger's Avatar
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    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    I used to carry a dark bag and try to get hand inspection, but it just confused everyone. I now normally put my exposed and unexposed film in a lead-lined bag and put it in my carry-on (never put any film in checked baggage! I ruined a whole trip's worth with that mistake). I have always expected that the lead bag would raise eyebrows passing through the scanner, but only once out of about twenty times have I been asked to take out the bag. In that case I let them scan the film boxes. I have used the bag in US, European and Asian airports with no problem. Not sure if they still sell them, but I bought two at a local thrift shop last time I was in the US.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Milford Pa.

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    i fly alot all over the world with film.

    i get there early. my experience has been they do NOT open anything until you are there to watch....then they ask.

    i have had perfect luck so far. now i do not care to do all the explaining and what not so i just let them x ray it. no issues (still hand check my high speed butt they are more used to 35mm and 120).

    when i do x ray my sheet film i put in in an inconspicuous pocket. they always go for the main pocket (this will give you time to catch up....but as i said they always wait for me). on important stuff i tape the inner box closed and then the outer boxes closed (3 lid boxes). i write on it "do not open in the light. film inside.)

    i have all kinds of bigger lenses with me and no one even bats an eye.....

    sorry for your lose.

    My YouTube Channel has many interesting videos on Soft Focus Lenses and Wood Cameras. Check it out.

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  5. #15
    amac212's Avatar
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    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Ugh, my heartfelt sympathies to you!! At the VERY least, I hope you get a free trip out of it - - you should tell them that your trip was solely for shooting this film. That will emphasize and make perfectly clear that losing these images, would be like throwing the money for entire trip down the drain and that if this occurs, you expect to be fairly compensated. Good luck on all fronts!

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    I got my 30 rolls of 35mm hand inspected at the first airport in the US, heading to France and Ireland. They just swabbed a few rolls, and took any that were still in canisters out (do this at home and it's really fast). But - every other airport I gave up. In one I asked for a hand inspection, and gave the ziplock clear bag of film to the worker. He smiled and set it on the x-ray conveyor belt. It's all ISO 400, and the couple I've developed so far were fine.

    Eddie, I thought someone in the many airports would want to inspect my giant, bubble wrapped and taped brass lenses, but no one did. You could put a lot of stuff between the glass in a giant petzval, but they never unwrapped one.

  7. #17
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Last trip they went through absolutely everything but very carefully repacked it. On
    the return flight, I just let the film go right through the X-ray (twice) and it developed
    perfectly. But that was ASA 50 and 100 film. Wonder if sheets of TM400 will do as well? Never had them actually open live film, however.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    May 2002

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Watson View Post
    Don't let TSA touch your film. Ever. Get to know UPS and FedEx.
    Sounds like knowledge gained through a graduate course at the School of Hard Knocks.

    Also perhaps the best advice yet offered.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Quote Originally Posted by amac212 View Post
    At the VERY least, I hope you get a free trip out of it
    That might have been a possibility back when security was run by the airlines. But now that it is a federal agency, they have no authority and no mechanism for that sort of compensation, even if they are sympathetic (which they probably will be).

    The best you might get is some instructions on how to avoid the problem in the future.

    It could be worse. You could be a professional musician with an instrument too large to carry on. Tuba players buy expensive insurance to make repairs when, not if, their one-of-a-kind instruments are damaged. They get damaged even when packed in an Anvil case, and that's after paying god-knows-how-much in excess baggage fees because of the weight and size.

    At least we can ship the film to ourselves.

    Come to think of it, I think I'm going to take the Pentax 6x7 to Idaho with me in a couple of weeks. I think I'll ship the film to a colleague in advance, and then ship it back to myself from there. No need to risk it.

    Rick "unwilling to fly with the Sinar" Denney

  10. #20

    Join Date
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    Milford Pa.

    Re: Film exposed in hand inspection

    Quote Originally Posted by goamules View Post
    Eddie, I thought someone in the many airports would want to inspect my giant, bubble wrapped and taped brass lenses, but no one did. You could put a lot of stuff between the glass in a giant petzval, but they never unwrapped one.
    the x ray machine could see through them. i watched at the brussels airport as i walked by. they did a couple of manipulations that turned the screen a few different colors. kind of cool really. now i know you can not fill it with "coffee" from holland....
    My YouTube Channel has many interesting videos on Soft Focus Lenses and Wood Cameras. Check it out.

    My YouTube videos gallery

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