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Thread: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    This monster has found it's way to me! I'm still not sure on how to use this beast, but it sure is an intriguing lens, with pristine glass!
    However, it's also one I can hardly find any information on! I've never seen a Ronar this big on eBay (Can't blame me for being interested in it's value), and haven't read much about them. I did find some information on this forum however, saying that there are various 1200mm versions, namely 4, 6 and 8 element versions. The 4 is an f14, if I recall correctly, but this is an f16. How many elements would it have, and what is it's design?
    Anyone ever used this lens? It's serial is 10 726 ***.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Westminster, MD

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    Wow, makes me appreciate how small my Nikkor 600|800|1200 is. Congratulations.
    When I grow up, I want to be a photographer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Frisco, Texas

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    Apo-Ronar lenses have 4 elements in 4 groups.

    Idealized for 1:1 reproduction.

    Was probably used on a process camera (lithography).

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gem Singer View Post
    Apo-Ronar lenses have 4 elements in 4 groups.

    Idealized for 1:1 reproduction.

    Was probably used on a process camera (lithography).
    Not all Apo-Ronars are 4/4 in construction, that's also one of my questions. There is a Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm / 47" f14, which is the 4/4 lens I think, since it's smaller.(One was listed here, a some time ago), but apparently there are also six element and eight element lenses, and I was curious as to which version mine is.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    Yours is an eight element version I believe... It looks just like my 1000mm Ronar.

  6. #6

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    What a great lens! Let us know how it works out for you when you do use it. E-mail me and I'll send you the Rodenstock catalog pages for this lens. They are too big to attach here.

  7. #7

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?


    your CL-version is the 6-element all air-spaced version .. superb lens .. just too heavy for me .. at that focal length I prefer the 16/1000 which due to less weight I can still manage on a Sinar with front and rear elements mounted on a 5FS shutter .. thus reasonably balanced .. and the standard can take it.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    1200mm f16 Apo Ronar CL (CL means that it has a linear aperature scale).
    Effective focal length = 1200.1mm; Max. Recommended film size at 1:1 = 40 x 50", Recommended scale = 1/10x - 10x (1x); Minimum aperture = f128, Filter thread = 135mm x1; Overall length = 243mm; Flange focal length at infinity = 1171.5mm; Maximum lens diameter = 150mm, Screw thread = 145mm x1; Contact area to rear edge = 93mm.

    Designed for jobs like map making. Rodenstock made 6 element 600, 800, 1000 and 1200mm Apo Ronar CL lenses. Coverage is 40 to 46° on Apo Ronar CL lenses longer then 480mm.

    For the 1200mm f14 the specs are as follows:
    1200mm f14 Apo Ronar CL (CL means that it has a linear aperature scale).
    Effective focal length = 1199.8mm; Max. Recommended film size at 1:1 = 40 x 50", Recommended scale = 1/10x - 10x (1x); Minimum aperture = f128, Filter thread = 100mm x1; Overall length = 129.5mm; Flange focal length at infinity = 1185.3mm; Maximum lens diameter = 135mm, Screw thread = 120mm x1; Contact area to rear edge = 39.9mm.

    The catalog shows them as both being 6 element.

  9. #9

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?


    the f=14 versions are definitely 4-element artar-type .. the CL f=16 1000/1200mm versions are 6-element .. the 6-element versions build "almost" twice as long .. the f=16 versions did cost quite a bit more than the 4-element cousins and do offer higher performance as can be seen by their MTF-curves.. higher resolution of the 6-element lens with fine structures .. as commented by a Rodenstock guy they were individually assembled with paired lens elements on an optical bench .. at the expense of higher cost and weight..all of this is history for quite some time now..whatever you shoot both f=14 and f=16 do offer significant performance .. and can be had for a fraction of their selling price 15 years ago .. ,


  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Rodenstock Apo-Ronar-CL 1200mm 47" f16, information?

    Quote Originally Posted by Joerg Krusche View Post

    the f=14 versions are definitely 4-element artar-type .. the CL f=16 1000/1200mm versions are 6-element .. the 6-element versions build "almost" twice as long .. the f=16 versions did cost quite a bit more than the 4-element cousins and do offer higher performance as can be seen by their MTF-curves.. higher resolution of the 6-element lens with fine structures .. as commented by a Rodenstock guy they were individually assembled with paired lens elements on an optical bench .. at the expense of higher cost and weight..all of this is history for quite some time now..whatever you shoot both f=14 and f=16 do offer significant performance .. and can be had for a fraction of their selling price 15 years ago .. ,


    I only quoted from the Rodenstock Repro catalog booklet. And the only reference they made to the number of elements is as I printed in my post. This catalog lists every different Rodenstock process lens made in the 80s and they only referred to the 1200 as being 6 element. However typos are not impossible and this book has no schmetics.

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