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Thread: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

  1. #21
    mortensen's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Hi Gavin
    I got one of the last Chamonix 45-n1's - the last batch was produced this August. Contact Hugo on this forum or via the contact info you find at: there might be a few left. I'm personally (as everyone else, it seems...) very happy with the camera. Looks good, works great - rigid and light. 'Advertising' aside, be shure to read the 'important announcement' on their web. The camera has a focusing error due to a design flaw. Me and numerous others don't have problems with this, but don't take my word, I'm still a novice and haven't yet shot enough images at f8 and f11 to be sure, that it is not a concern for me.

    There's been a few used on sale here at the forum lately... dunno whether they are all gone. Apart from that, the ShenHao PTB is an EXCACT copy of the Chamonix (which is a copy of some other camera), although I don't know if it is as rigid as the chamonix.

    And one last thing - I could only buy the chamonix directly from the factory in China. Since I live in denmark, I get even more expenses from customs, VAT etc... and it was still the most affordable choice.

  2. #22
    mortensen's Avatar
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    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    ... to clarify things about the 45N-1:
    the august batch was the last to be produced ever. new models will be released in the summer of 2010 or later.

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    York, UK

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Mortensen, thank you for your helpful info. I'll try contacting Chamonix direct to find out availability of the 45N-1 and its replacement.

    Yes, this focusing issue has concerned me a bit but most users of the camera who post on the various forums don't seem that bothered by it.


  4. #24
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Buy a Shen and put the difference into getting some good glass. You'll see the difference sooner that by buying a more expensive body.


  5. #25

    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    I don't think you have stated how you are going to print these images. i.e. using an enlarger or scan to print digitally.

    4x5 is big enough for 20x16 from consumer scanners and maybe a little bigger, say 30x20. There are more things to think of than the price although that may be the limiting factor.

    So just to give you another option, especially if you are scanning and want big prints, how about a Walker 5x7. See

    They make 5x4 too but I suppose price may be too much and size for hiking. But they are just near Chester so within range for a day out to have a look see.

    On the other hand if you want cheap, very light and very compact then maybe not. Or if you are using an enlarger then a 4x5 may be big enough as 5x7 or bigger are monster enlargers.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    the Netherlands

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    I am also new to 4x5 but I do have a Horseman VHR with some 4x5 and 5x7 lenses. Recently I decided to try 4x5 and bought a Crown Graphic from Keh in the USA. I live in the Netherlands. Incl. shipping by USPS the camera costs about 160 euro. Can't get a 4x5 field camera much cheaper I guess. If I don't like it, I can always sell it for about the same price. I now the Crown has some limitations regarding moments but I plan to use it for portraits and landscape and from what I have read, the movements the Crown offers should be enough for these purposes.

    If you want to try b&w film, you might have a look at A company from Norway that sells film cheaply. I ordered a box of 100 iso sheetfilm and it arrived in 3 days.

    Good luck with your choice,

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Lachlan 617 View Post
    There's a place in Manchester called something like "The Real Camera Shop" that has a fair amount of film gear.

    They've got a rubbish website, though.

    I also saw a 2nd hand Wista in Halifax the other day. Looked in very nice condition; 500 quid. Can't tell you the name of the shop, but as far as I know there's only Jessop's and this place in Halifax...

    Can anyone let me know if there's a good place for 2nd hand camera gear (any format) in Birmingham?


    You could try PFD in Ardwick, Manchester, if your by that way. They dont have a website but heres the address:

    They have an 8x10 in there at the moment. Quite a few 4x5 bodies and lenses. Worth a look if you are in the area.

  8. #28
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike V View Post
    You could try PFD in Ardwick, Manchester, if your by that way. They dont have a website but heres the address:

    They have an 8x10 in there at the moment. Quite a few 4x5 bodies and lenses. Worth a look if you are in the area.
    I was in the "Real Camera" store on Saturday.

    Not much LF stuff: some Graphics and an MPP. Nothing in the lens department of much note.

    Plenty of Leica stuff, though.

    Not really worth the effort, really.


  9. #29

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    York, UK

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    Thanks Mike for the PFD tip and to everyone for your helpful comments and advice. I rang the Real Camera Co. in Manchester and they only mentioned a couple of MPPs.

    I've discounted a Chamonix now as, nice though it is, by the time I've paid shipping costs, Paypal charges and probable duty/VAT it puts it well over my budget and leaves me not very much for a lens, board, film holders etc etc. I'm also thinking that I'd rather buy a cheaper camera and put more into a good lens as I want to shoot colour transparencies.

    Frustratingly, I just missed a nice Tachihara on eBay the other day. I might even end up going with a new Shen from uk.topstock (Foto-Arte) who sell the TZ45A at a reasonable price on eBay. The other camera that's come up on my radar recently is the Toyo 45A. I gather it's possible to get one for around £350-400.

    Still pondering, Gavin.

  10. #30

    Re: Another newbie question: camera availabilty in the UK

    If you don't know already, are good to deal with. Regular new LF stock, so worth checking the site regularly. Got my shen hao, lenses, holders et al from them with never a problem. Cheers

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