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Thread: Saving LAB vs Gray

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Saving LAB vs Gray

    As I play with my scanner and try to learn the limits and the ins and outs, I have noticed that I can save very large LAB files, but I don't seem to have the computing power to save gray scale files equal to about 50 percent of the LAB files.

    Is there a logical reason behind this?

    Scanner: Linotypo
    Software: Linocolor 6
    OS: Mac OS 9.04

  2. #2
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Saving LAB vs Gray

    That's odd. Is it possible that in order to save as grayscale, the software has to convert from RGB? Perhaps it's that conversion that is too resource intensive. You can always save the scan in LAB and convert to BW in Photoshop.
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Saving LAB vs Gray

    It does a few odd things along the way.
    If I save a linocolor tiff file on the G3 and open it in PS on my laptop, the profiling is not as good as if I convert the Linocolor tiff to a PS tiff on the old G3.
    Which is fine, but very very slow by comparison to the laptop.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Saving LAB vs Gray

    In case this is of any help to others who venture down the old scanner on an old mac road too,

    I ditched every application that was not required to scan and work in Photoshop from the old G3. I removed all data from the drive (these were small had drives by today's standards).

    I moved, into a disabled folder, every extension, control panel and preference file that was not absolutely required to lighten the operating system requirements.
    I then ran speed disk and de-fragged the hard drive.

    I am now able to save a 4000 dpi scan from a 5x7 negative in grayscale (approx. 580 megs). I still can not save an 8x10 scan over 2000 dpi, which is actually a smaller file size than that from the 5x7 but I believe it requires more scratch disk space?

    After several scans I start to slow down and have issues, so I have been restarting the computer after three scans, just quitting apps was not enough when scanning 1.5 gig plus LAB files (using the gray channel).

    I may blast the hard drive, do a clean install, partition the drive and make one partition of about 10 gig allotted only to scratch disk space as I believe scratch disk is the issue here.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Saving LAB vs Gray

    Just curious, why are you dealing with LAB files ? Is that what the scanner produces ?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Saving LAB vs Gray


    I am still in the "feeling the scanner" out stage.
    The scanner creates LAB, CMYK or gray scale (no RGB).
    One day I will most likely move to Silverfast but for the moment I am using the Linocolor software.

    While testing the scanner out I found I could save large (1 gig plus) LAB files but only small Gray scale files (300 to 350 megs). The LAB files from Pyro negs are not as nice as the gray scale negs.

    By purging the operating system and cleaning the hard drive, I have moved from a 2500 dpi 5x7 scan to a 4000 dpi scan, a nice improvement but there is still work to be done and still a lot to learn about the unit and scanning in general.

    For years I scanned my negatives at the newspaper and wire service, but that was 10 meg scans with a Nikon cool scan, this is a whole new world!

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