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Thread: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Moscow, Russia

    Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    I take landscapes and architecture/interiors photos with Linhof Technikardan 45S. I don't have any problem composing an image with 135 lens. But it becomes almost "blind photography" when I use 75 and 55 lenses. So I looked at bright screens. B&H has Beattie intenscreens in stock and also there's Linhof fresnel ground glass. But is one of these going to help? And which one is better?

    Thank you.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Loganville , GA

    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    The Linhof fresnel will make a big difference. And, if your camera is more then 10 years old, the latest Linhof ground glass will also help.

  3. #3
    IanG's Avatar
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    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    Every one has their favourites. I have a Beattie screen on one of my 10x8's and it's excellent, I can easily focus an f16 Ross Protar in average room lighting.

    I use a Crown Graphic hand-held and even with a good plain screen it's almost impossible to focus with wider lenses, even a 90mm f6.8 Angulon. But when I fitted a fresnel to the rear of the screen the difference was a gain in over 2 stops in brightness. Now I can easily focus my 90mm Angulon and a 75mm f8 Super Angulon, even indoors.

    About 18 months ago I compared the screens I had and measured the brightness Ifound over 3 stops difference between the integral one piece screen/fresnel of my Wista and the plain screen in my Crown Graphic, the screen in my Cambo was just over 2 stops brighter, this it's a screen with added fresnel.

    If you don't mind paying the far higher rice for a Beattie or Maxwell screen then these are the best option, but adding a fresnel to your current screen isn't far behind and significantly cheaper.


  4. #4
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    May 2006

    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    I have both and there is no major difference to my eye between them.

    The Beattie has had some comments about hot weather or cold weather extreme peformance issues, but I haven't had any problems.

  5. #5
    the Docter is in Arne Croell's Avatar
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    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    Quote Originally Posted by RPNugent View Post
    The Beattie has had some comments about hot weather or cold weather extreme peformance issues, but I haven't had any problems.
    Thats not the Beattie, thats the Bosscreen.

  6. #6

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    San Diego, CA

    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    There's something "special" about TK, or maybe cameras with small lens boards overall, I see quite a lot of posts from people with cameras with small lens boards asking same questions. Most of the times I use Sinar (F2 & P2) with Sinar GG & Fresnel& Bino Viewer. I have absolutely no problems focusing 72mm + Center filter+ample shifts in dim environments using Sinar binocular viewer, biggest advantage I presume is variable mirror angle adjustment.

    With TK45S, I used stock GG, stock Fresnel, some kind of fancy plastic Fresnel/GG combo, Linhof Monocular viewer - just nowhere close. I ended up having Sinar GG+Fresnel+dark velcro'ed "bellows" between Mono viewer & camera to be able to swing whole Mono viewer assembly to cover image, but that's unpretty.

    Attaching sliding digital back assembly on TK does simplify composing/focusing but ruins a the whole idea of field/lightweight setup.

    Lenses 120mm+ no problem.

    PS. Sinar used to have Linhof adapter plate for bino viewer, if anybody has drawings or molds - please post.

  7. #7
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    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    You are right it was teh Bosscreen with the wax issue. My mistake. Getting older and more forgetful I guess.

  8. #8

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    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon - HP Marketing View Post
    The Linhof fresnel will make a big difference. And, if your camera is more then 10 years old, the latest Linhof ground glass will also help.
    It's 7 years old now... Time flies!

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Moscow, Russia

    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    Thank you all. So, the Beattie would be my choice. And I will also look at Linhof 45 Focus/Metering Bellows.

  10. #10
    IanG's Avatar
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    Re: Bright screen for Technikardan 45S

    Only a rough montage of two shots I took while trying a fresnel on my Crown Graphic, the right side is with the fresnel, the srceen was on I bought from Steve Hopf.

    As Bob Salomon says adding a fresnel should make a big diference to overall screen brightness.


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