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Thread: The New imac

  1. #41
    Brian_A's Avatar
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    Millington, TN

    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by paulr View Post
    You are.

    There are a number of industry-wide studies on uptime, and on the ratio of machines to tech support people required on both platforms. It's not even close.
    Maybe the fact I have my machines run all their anti-virus/spyware stuff every night during hours I don't use it helps I just have always tried to stay on top of all security updates and whatnot. Yes, I probably spend more time making sure bad things don't happen but I'm alright with that. See, unlike most, I don't mind either type of system. I have never had issues with my PC really, so I am in that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality. Until I have some major issue that really causes me to want to stray away from PC I'll stick with it.

  2. #42

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    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    The Mac which came with the very first version of OS X back in the 2000 can still run the latest version of OSX with only a disk and RAM upgrade. And it runs faster under the latest OS X than it did under the first version.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne Crider View Post
    Huh? I've never heard of this before. I have an 600mhz Power PC G3 running 10.2x and as far as I know I can't run anything past 10.3x. Please expound as I would love to upgrade if possible, but I need facts and will probably verify with Apple.

    As I said earlier, a cursory reading of what you choose to quote and reply to often already contains an answer. Please see the bolded section above.

    The first Mac that officially came with OSX - and that was what I was referring to, just in case it still isn't clear enough - was a 2002 G4 model.

    I stand corrected insofar as the OS X 10.5.x officially requires at least an 867 MHz G4 processor which was the top model of that series.

    What you have is a late (2001) G3 model, which came with OS 8 or 9, depending on the shipment, which you have later upgraded to OSX.

    Apple has a very detailed and well organized support site and you can easily find all of this and much more if you need details.

  3. #43

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    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by percepts View Post
    Macs are designed to be idiot proof and they need to be...
    And apparently they really are... Or perhaps idiot-repellent might be a better term?

  4. #44

    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Stahlke View Post
    The new iMac sounds like a nice machine. I'm really curious about how well the monitor can be calibrated. I've heard a lot of complaints that older iMac monitors were to bright for good calibration and print matching. As I recall, people had to jump through a lot of hoops to lower the monitor brightness.

    Does anyone know how easy it is to get the appropriate brightness level on these monitors?

    BTW, Linux does rock. Mostly. Just not for image processing.

    Coloreyes Display Pro

    Fixed mine.
    Its great.

  5. #45

  6. #46

    Join Date
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    Forest Grove, Ore.

    Re: The New imac

    So, does the new IMac screen have a glossy surface or a non-glossy, matte surface?

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: The New imac

    I wonder if the iMac still uses laptop memory.

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: The New imac

    Take a read of Lloyd Chambers thoughts on the new imac's

    As for me I'm at the point when I need to get a new PC with my old windows P4 Dell PC being unable to cope with my 10x8 scanned negs from my recently purchased Microtek scanner.

    I think the 27" imac is appealing but with its backup limitations & due to the very high premium you have to pay for Macs here in the UK it would be far more cost effective to get a 30" display along with an off the shelf or customised quad core windows 7 PC.

  9. #49

    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    It always helps to provide full quotes instead of taking things out of context. Especially if the full quote provides the answer to your question. Here's the full quote, missing part bolded for enhanced visibility:

    Upon cursory inspection, you might notice that I did mention disk and RAM upgrade... You might also realize that I never mentioned anything about running Photoshop or LF film scans. Although I could do that on such a system if I really had to. I used to run Photoshop on that system in the past.

    But that's beside the point. The point being that the new iMacs are much more capable in that respect. The rest is just noise.

    Ohh ok sorry, so what you are saying is that you need to upgrade your Mac to run the new OS, and then you put down Windows 98 because you would need to upgrade hardware to run a new flavor of windows on an 11 year old machine. I get you now. I don't understand how you think that is a valid comparison but I will just leave it that you do.

    Of course I have never purchased a new computer just to get an new OS. Over the last 20+ years every time I get a new computer, I do it to take advantage of new hardware. Things like more ram, bigger HDs, CD/DVD burners, faster processors etc. Getting a new OS to take advantage of these new hardware items is just a bonus, and when I get a new computer I pass the old one down the line.

    My old Windows 3.1 machine still works, as does my Windows 95 machine I got a few years later, however we never use them. My kids still use the Windows 98 machine to get online and use office 98 for homework, my wifes $600 XP machine still works very well and with 1GB of ram and a 300GB hard with about 50GBs used does all she needs it to.

    My current system which I use mainly for Photoshop and Lightroom, also works quite well under Vista. I got it when Vista first came out, and have never had a virus or any other issues. Unlike most people who put down Vista I have actually used it quite a bit.

    Do other people have issues with viruses under windows? Sure but they all do stupid things to get them. Other people have STDs as well for doing stupid things, but I have not given up on sex because of it.

    Sometime in the next year I am going to build a new computer. Mainly so I can pass mine down to my wife, so she can pass hers down to my kids. At that point I will retire the old Windows 98 box that has served us well for 11 years with no major issues of any kind. I could pay a lot more and get a Mac but why? I have nothing against Macs, but for me I do not see any real advantage to using one.

    Computers are just tools, one is not better than the other they are just different. Since everyone has different needs some tools fit that persons needs better than another one.

  10. #50

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Olalla, WA

    Re: The New imac

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Lee View Post
    I didn't create the image. I just saw it somewhere, and grabbed it - for times like this.
    And what a perfect time to use it!

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