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Thread: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    LOL, Rick, I like the third scenario.

    But what happens when there are no crickets around?
    Someone gets a good deal on a Splatoplatz.

    Here's an example. A while back, I bought a Tamron SP 90/2.5 macro lens, and a Canon EF Adaptall adapter for it. It makes wonderful pictures on small format. I wanted the dedicated 1:1 extension tube, but it was hard to find. I kept an eye out. Then, on ebay, one came up for sale for $85--a high price for that item. Someone came on the manual focus forum laughing at the price. That was just about the time I was "buying it now".

    I didn't care that they were laughing at me, and my justification was that I could easily spend more time than that extra $40 is worth just trying to find the correct item. I was happy to get ripped off so conveniently, and maybe the seller had a little better month because of it. He has to eat, too. I'm not sure the guy laughing at the price on that other forum ever understood that.

    That scenario corresponds to the "better" scenario.

    I have other examples, too.

    Rick "still waiting for the right deal on a Frankenheimer" Denney

  2. #122

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    BTW, seems that Mike has provided us with a whole bunch of Case #3 cases over in FS section...

    Works like a charm, crickets and all.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Quote Originally Posted by rdenney View Post
    I didn't care that they were laughing at me, and my justification was that I could easily spend more time than that extra $40 is worth just trying to find the correct item. I was happy to get ripped off so conveniently, and maybe the seller had a little better month because of it.
    Now that is wisdom beyond price...

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Northern Virginia

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marko View Post
    BTW, seems that Mike has provided us with a whole bunch of Case #3 cases over in FS section...

    Works like a charm, crickets and all.
    I'm resisting the temptation to tell him so, in a whole bunch of threads, just to test his position.

    But it would be patronizing. Better to let those crickets chirp. Plus, I hope he gets good prices for his stuff--he may need the money.

    Rick "recalling that it was Mike complaining about low prices not too long ago" Denney

  5. #125

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    Jun 2009

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Rick et al...

    Yes, that was me complaining about how low prices have dropped. Please notice that I started that thread after listing my items for sale at prices I "thought" were below market value and they still didn't sell quickly. Until very recently I hadn't bought or sold any camera gear for many years. It's a real shocker how prices have plummeted.

    And yes, Marko. The crickets are chirping quite loudly, I'm sorry to say.

    BTW, if anyone has any helpful/truthful pricing advice please feel welcome to post it in any of my FS threads. I need all the help I can get. My pricing gilfridget must be on the fritz.

  6. #126

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    Southern California

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Hey Mike, I'm sorry for the crickets too, really.

    But I promised some sort of "told you so", didn't I? Just keeping my word...

  7. #127

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    Jun 2009

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Yeah, okay Marko... you told me so. I'm glad you were able to get that out of your system.

  8. #128
    Jim Ewins
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    I've noticed in a few FS/FT/WTB/WTT threads where people are people chiming in about the prices that people want.

    Thats what liberals do - there is no human activity that can't be and should be improved- mostly by a government made up on them abd their friends.

  9. #129

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Ewins View Post
    I've noticed in a few FS/FT/WTB/WTT threads where people are people chiming in about the prices that people want.

    Thats what liberals do - there is no human activity that can't be and should be improved- mostly by a government made up on them abd their friends.
    Thank God! Someone finally figured out a way to get this thread closed. Preach it BRO! Damned liberals wrecking the country and fouling our Classifieds. Oops! There's a freedom that needs to be checked!! Some guy putting his crap out there with a price some other guy thinks is wrong! It's all Obama's fault! Trust me on this!

  10. #130

    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Getting rid of negative FS posts from non-involved users...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1234 View Post

    BTW, if anyone has any helpful/truthful pricing advice please feel welcome to post it in any of my FS threads. I need all the help I can get. My pricing gilfridget must be on the fritz.
    In your case I would have lumped all of that stuff into one ad. Much easier to manage. That way and you don't blow the bandwidth out of the FS threads.

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