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Thread: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    I wasn't sure where to put this post, but I thought the best folks to answer a petzval lens question would be here in the LF forum. I've also posted this over at APUG.
    I have purchased a couple of the wee petzval lenses from Jim Galli. I adapted them to my pentax 67 using parts from Lowes. They work better than expected (I have posted a few images and pics of the first lens over at APUG a while ago). I'm so pleased with this setup, I can't stand it. You can see many images made with this setup on my website.

    Before I ask my question, I'll say that I have cameras from 35mm to 12x20 and I love them all for various reasons. The big cameras generally stay at home due to my physical limitations. A year ago I had a double lung transplant, and although I'm doing great, I still cannot lug a huge camera around. The MF setup I cobbled together is everything I ever wanted as a great compromise.

    My wife and I are going to Italy for two weeks in June and early July. I just cannot see taking the Pentax rig with me, and LF stuff is out of the question. I have back and ankle problems, and we will do a lot of walking, which just adds to the BS I have to deal with. I'm afraid I will have to go digital for this trip (please forgive me. I don't like it any more than you do ). This brings me to my crazy question:
    If I could figure out a way to have a 35mm version of my MF Pentax setup, I would be thrilled. Would anyone know a practical way (without a PhD in optics or mechanical engineering) to build a petzval lens that is small enough to get the desired edge effects on a 35mm camera?
    Has anyone ever done this, or do you think SK Grimes would build me a simple one mounted in a tube that I could fashion into a push/pull focusing setup? Another option would be buying the lens elements from Edmunds and making it myself. Unfortunately, I wouldn't know where to begin with this.

    I know this is not strictly in the realm of large format, but if you all could help out a kindred spirit, I would appreciate it a great deal. I'm just brainstorming about this and wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the subject before I spin my wheels and start pursuing it further....


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Denmark, Europe

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    have a look here.. Not sure if it is the right choise, but it sure is small....

    (beware:I might make a bid or two on this one...;-))

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    If you can live with fixed aperture and short back focus, many, not all, projection lenses for 8/8, S8, and 16 mm cine projectors are Petzval types. The short back focus means that these lenses won't clear a 35 mm SLR's mirror, but if you have the money and Grimes has the time (don't know how their backlog is these days) they should be able to adapt one of them to, e.g., a thread mount Leica or Soviet clone.

    You might also consider having an S8 or 8/8 projector lens adapted to a mini-4/3 (is that the right name) format digital camera. I have a few friends who are going nuts adapting cine camera lenses to these confections ...

    Good luck, have fun,


  4. #4
    Brisbane, Australia
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    Having browsed through your portfolio, Steve (and at the grave risk of being burnt at the stake by the forum) perhaps a Lensbaby would provide you with an effective 35mm solution. Your Alt processing skills would further enhance the result.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    Thanks for the reply. I do have a new Lensbaby, and I like it. But it's much different than the Petzval lens. I will definitely be taking the Lensbaby to Italy, but I would love to find some sort of Petzval lens that I could adapt to the 35mm.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    I sold a 50mm Petzval to Stefan (stehei here at LFForum). He had it mounted for a digital camera. Send him a PM and get him to share what / how he did that. I never could get it close enough to a sensor on my D200. I could do close up type pics but not normal. Maybe he cobbled it to a rangefinder. It would have to be a RF with a really large sensor to still have the petzval look though. A 50mm would need the whole 35mm area to look Petzvally.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Holland + Brazil

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    You never tried that baby Petzval onto a Leica M3 ?
    The M3 had a back that could be opened for focussing without film in it...... could have been nice !
    Or mounting it onto a micro-4/3rds


  8. #8

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    I've started using a 55mm f1.8 Petzval on my Nikon F90x with film. It has a great look to it and it can focus from infinity to close up without too much trouble. I couldn't get the same look on my D200 the sensor is way too small. You need to use full frame 35mm to get the 'Petzval Look'. I think my lens was used for an old cine camera.


  9. #9
    Confidently Agnostic!
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Victoria BC

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    Quote Originally Posted by sdivot View Post
    A year ago I had a double lung transplant
    Uhhh, what? That's possible now? Wow.

  10. #10
    Confidently Agnostic!
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Victoria BC

    Re: Tiny Tiny Petzval Lens?

    Nice stuff on your website, BTW.

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