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Thread: Feedback on Photo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Feedback on Photo


    I am new to this forum. This is my first 4x5 landscape shot ever. I would appreciate it if anyone can provide feedback on the following photo and perhaps recommendations on how to improve. (All technical info -- equipment, exposure, development-- is there on the link location.)

    Thank you!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    Ok, I take it that the photo is terrible or perhaps is that it is on a different site. I'll try to do better for my second attempt.

  3. #3
    Ted Mastrandonas
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Pelham, AL

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    I think that's a great first effort, or even a hundredth. I'd be happy with it! If I'd taken this it would go on my list to re-visit later in the spring to try to get some clouds in the sky and maybe a few buds on the bush in the foreground.

  4. #4
    darr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The South

    Re: Feedback on Photo


    I think it is an excellent shot if this is your first attempt at 4x5". My first one did not even come close to the sharpness and DOF your image has. I think you will find yourself in LF!


  5. #5
    windpointphoto's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Racine, WI

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    Pike's Peak or Bust! Your photos got me ready to hit the road for Colo.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Denver, Colorado

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    Marcé, I also think it is a good job.

    P.S.> I grew up in Castle Rock, and your image reminds me of home. Cheers.

  7. #7
    3d Visual Effects artist
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Culver City, CA

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    I would say maybe the gradient in the sky is a little strong, be it digital or physical filter. Other than that, I like the photograph :-)
    Daniel Buck - 3d VFX artist
    3d work:
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  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Feedback on Photo


    Thank you all for your comments; you've made my day as I know (or will know) that LF is not an easy thing to learn.

    Ted and Darlene, yes, that is my first landscape LF shot ever. When I bought this camera about three years ago I took about 3 or 4 food shots in my basement (which were very disappointing BTW) and the camera quickly went into storage as I didn't have a way to carry it with me. That has now been resolved with the "Marcé Large Format Transportation Device (TM)". More information here:

    I bought Steve Simmons' book which I am now reading for the second time cover-to-cover.

    And Ted, there were a few puffy clouds in the scene *when* I started to frame my composition. I solemnly affirm that... now, where did those clouds go?

    It was very windy that day. My first shot I underexposed because I mistook "2" on the lens with 2 seconds when in fact it was 1/2 second. The slower shutter speed settings were "1", T and B. Since I didn't want to fiddle with my wristwatch and I knew two seconds would be too long because of the wind I decreased the aperture to f/32.

    Matt, I was hiking the other day in Castlewood Canyon near Castle Rock/Franktown. It was a gorgeous day.

    Dan, I was supposed to meter for the shadows and add a filter compensation factor (which I did), but then I forgot to cut down development time in order to bring the sky back... so I overexposed the sky. Then I tried to burn the heck out of everything in post like some photos I've seen and the result is what you see. I agree with you; it's a little over the top.

    Once again, thank you folks for your comments. LF is something I need to do.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    BTW, the original link should be:

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Hermosillo, Sonora, MEXICO

    Re: Feedback on Photo

    I think it is a fine image Marcé.
    you have already mentioned what could be improved, but since your are asking for feedback I'd say that the lower right corner is a bit empty and including something there could improve it.
    Héctor Navarro Agraz

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