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Thread: LFinfo deteriorating??

  1. #91

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    Um, dazed, if places like this aren't for educating others and sharing hard to find information, what are they for?

    So I realize Dan.
    I look forward to being able to eventually give back to the forum through my experiences. Perhaps just a decent picture now and again to share.

  2. #92
    dperez's Avatar
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    Jun 2008
    Santa Ana, CA USA

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    I don't think it is. I have not been a member that long and am new to LF, so I have been able to ask questions and get involved which has been rewarding in terms of just shortening the learning curve a bit.


  3. #93

    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    LF is definatly not dying...It may have been a bit quieter of late. But ebbs and flows throughout the years can and do occur. As for myself I leave up on a tripod in the corner of my studio an old Omegaview. And just it's presence alone has caused enough folks to ask about it that I now have two individuals interested in trying out LF. I will be offering both of them some one on one free instruction to get them started out in the next 6 to 9 months. I will take them out with me on short day trips with a spare field camera/tripod for them to use and try. They just supply the film/fujiroid and I supply equipment. But then again, I love to teach folks. And in the teaching it keeps me refreshed seeing new perspectives of newer photogaphers work. As I always learn from those I teach, I grow better as well. All while bringing more people to LF photography. Seems like a win/win situation to me.

    "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -Douglas Adams-

  4. #94
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
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    USA, North Carolina

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    Quote Originally Posted by evan clarke View Post
    It seems that all that is posted lately is lounge and for sale. Is LF photography dead??..Evan Clarke
    Large format photography is far from dead. This particular forum however seems to be in a lull of sorts. I've been impressed lately by all the newbies who think the forum is about wide format inkjet printers. Five minutes of reading would inform them of the real purpose, but I suppose some people can't be bothered to go that far. Sigh...

    I have a couple of theories to explain the lull of new threads that are actually about large format photography. Both may well be wrong, but that's how theories work -- you postulate and explanation for the available data, and when new data shows up that doesn't fit the theory, you change the theory. Welcome to Science.

    First theory is the economy. It costs maybe $1.50 USD / sheet to shoot and process 5x4 B&W film. Maybe $4.00 USD / sheet to shoot and process color film. In a poor economy, people pull back their discretionary spending, and therefore will be less active in LF photography. Less activity -> less questions about the activity.

    Second theory is the natural ebb and flow. As newbies join they ask a lot of questions. As they learn they ask fewer questions and answer some. When they get really good, they would rather spend more time photographing and less time answering questions, and they aren't asking much in the way of new questions themselves. It's an expensive pursuit, and not many people are making the commitment right now. Fewer newbies = fewer questions.

    What's the real cause? We may never know. But you aren't alone in feeling the way you do.

    Bruce Watson

  5. #95

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Watson View Post
    ... This particular forum however seems to be in a lull of sorts.
    It may arguably be evolving .,.

    Re: 4x5 Ultra Fine Focusing and Calibration

    Re:Top-end digital concerns

    Re: The hopeful future of film photography

    Re: Large Format Landscapes

    Re: Jan. portraits (controversy in art)

    Re: Moving Water

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Watson View Post
    First theory is the economy. It costs maybe $1.50 USD / sheet to shoot and process 5x4 B&W film. Maybe $4.00 USD / sheet to shoot and process color film. In a poor economy, people pull back their discretionary spending, and therefore will be less active in LF photography. Less activity -> less questions about the activity.

    Second theory is the natural ebb and flow. As newbies join they ask a lot of questions. As they learn they ask fewer questions and answer some. When they get really good, they would rather spend more time photographing and less time answering questions, and they aren't asking much in the way of new questions themselves. It's an expensive pursuit, and not many people are making the commitment right now. Fewer newbies = fewer questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce Watson View Post
    What's the real cause? We may never know. But you aren't alone in feeling the way you do.
    Some feel the need to restore science and the arts to their rightful place.

    So why not use every bit of technical and artistic talent available, take the best of B&W, E6, C41, perhaps integrate with digital and try to improve the discipline(s) (technical, artistic and/or general understanding thereof ) and hopefully make life richer in some small way.

  6. #96

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: LFinfo deteriorating??

    Im a newb myself and find it interesting to read through all the old posts. Theres a lot to learn with LF, optimum aperture, film processing, alternative processes, etc...

    I enjoy reading the articles and following the discussions found here. If I have any questions I will ask but I wont expect a reply straight away as sadly it does seem a bit quiet around here.


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