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Thread: What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    Redmond, WA, USA

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    Oddly, most of the time I am in the field people are pretty much fascinated by m y camera and seem to love the idea of someone using what seems to them to be an antique. The worst advice that I've ever received has nothing tot do with LF so much as it does with photography in general, e.g.:

    (1) The rule of thirds. (2) A good b/w photograph must have tones from pitch black to solid white. (3) Always place the darkest part of your photograph on zone 1. (4) Exposing a negative past zone 10 is pointless (5) Keep a $3 UV filter over your $1000 lens (6) You need a camera with a lot of movements (7) The heavier your tripod, the better it is. (8) A $30 gadget is better than a free piece of cardboard that does the same thi ng. (9) A backpack designed to haul cameras is worth the cost. (10) Densitometry is a worthy exercise, not a pointless penance.

  2. #32

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    LOL....great thread Ellis, my worst advice "place the shadows you want with detail on zone III" subsequently I pregressed to have a morass of black on my prints for years! lol.....

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    The WORST ---- "Anything more than 500 yds from the car just isn't photogenic." -Edward Weston

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    Matthew, Glad you brought up the "rule" of thirds, That one has always baffled me...Steve

  5. #35

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    You are correct about the older single coated glass.Once color is added to the mix,the newer glass wins.However,I do have some 1950's German LF glass that is sharper & more contrasty than any modern glass!I guess it all depends on what you like.BTW,great Houston skyline shot!(Of course in NY we pronounce it "How-ston")

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    "you should turn the dark-room into a nice spare-bedroom"

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Feb 1999

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    "Shouldn't the sun be behind your back."

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Jan 1998

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    "Don't you already have two 8x10 cameras?"

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    The summary of Merklinger's stuff on the net stuffed me around greatly. It definitely has cost me more time and probably a few shots than any other piece of advice.

    My best onlooker comment was 'Why do you carry your projector with you?' about my 4x5 when I opened my camera bag.

  10. #40
    Old School Wayne
    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    What is the absolute worst piece of advice aboutLarge Format you have ever gotten, read or over heard?

    That we need to drill in ANWR because film is plastic

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