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Thread: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

  1. #21
    Brian_A's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Sounds great. Lets put some locations and dates out there for people to agree on.


  2. #22
    Brian_A's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Any dates or locations for our meeting? I gotta work around the wife's weird schedule because of the kid.


  3. #23
    Scott Davis
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Washington DC

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Brian - there's a discussion afoot to do a night shoot (or at least twilight) downtown here - meet this coming Saturday (October 4) around 6:30 or 7 pm for dinner, then hit the streets and do some low-light photography. Weather permitting of course.

  4. #24
    Brian_A's Avatar
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    Mar 2007
    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Davis View Post
    Brian - there's a discussion afoot to do a night shoot (or at least twilight) downtown here - meet this coming Saturday (October 4) around 6:30 or 7 pm for dinner, then hit the streets and do some low-light photography. Weather permitting of course.
    Downtown as in DC? PM me your # Scott. I take it your ankle is back to operational status? I'd say count me in if it's in DC. Any idea on where in DC ya'll plan on shooting in the evening? I do actually like my gear and don't prefer to find a gun/knife in my back.


  5. #25
    Mike C.
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    We have a number of LF'ers on the Eastern Shore. If you guys ever want to shoot some water stuff, let me know. Regards, Mike C.

  6. #26
    Brian_A's Avatar
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    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Hey Mike,

    If I ever make it out there, I'll be sure to look ya'll up! Thanks!


  7. #27
    Brian_A's Avatar
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    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Just looked at your site Mike, great stuff! I might have to look you up sooner than later. How are the later fall/winter scenes out there?


  8. #28

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Clinton, Ark.

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Brian & Scott:

    I have enjoyed reading this thread, and do hope you guys can get a nice little group of LF film burners together to shoot the scenes in the area, swap/buy camera gear, do darkroon stuff, etc. I think LF'ers getting together is the key to keeping that genre alive, and keeping alive film in general.

    Brian, I bet at least half of those folks on that old Capital Area LF club membership list that I sent to you are still around there. Did you ever get a chance to try to track any of them down?

    Anyhoo, best of luck to you guys in all you do, and if I am ever up that way, I'll look you up.


  9. #29
    Brian_A's Avatar
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    Millington, TN

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Yeah, I totally agree EuGene. I've had a lot of fun meeting up with people here and going out to shoot. I'm hoping we can meet more often to get out and shoot. I really enjoy that part of it. For some reason, I get even more inspired when I am out with other people shooting.

    As far as the list goes, I'm going to get everyone I can on that list together before the spring so that we can get some stuff together for next year. Something tells me it'll be futile to get anything together over the winter as people will be doing the family thing for the time being.

    Anyways, I hope you do end up coming out this way EuGene. Definitely let me know if you come out!


  10. #30
    Mike C.
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Northern Virginia/Washington, DC

    Hello Brian, sorry so late on replying. The late fall and early winter are excellent here for photography for everything but foliage. We get some wicked colors in the sky and water. The lighting is also superb for landscapes. My home number is 410-651-0551 if you ever want to come out this way and shoot some LF or what ever. Thanks for the kind words on my photography. Regards, Mike C.
    Last edited by ViewCameraNut; 14-Oct-2008 at 11:21. Reason: editing

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