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Thread: For better lens caps, last part!!!

  1. #1
    Beverly Hills, California
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Beverly Hills, CA

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    Armin, I'm a school teacher with second language students. Please let me help a little:

    "Hi All:

    I would like to get feedback from everyone who had troubles with their Schneider or Rodenstock lens caps in this present thread. I'll copy all your posts and send them directly to Rodenstock and Schneider in Germany! Thanks for your time and effort. I`m sure we'll get better caps in the future. Please reply below if:

    1) You had a problem or damage due to an inadequate manufacturer's lens cap from Rodenstock or Schneider, and what was your solution.

    2) Also reply if you pre-emptively changed the lens caps before damage could occur or if you proactively put a protective filter on the front thread, etc. (again, due to inadequacies of the manufacture's lens caps).

    I'll copy all the mails and send them directly to Rodenstock and Schneider in Germany! Thanks for your time and I`m sure we'll get better caps in the future."

    Armin, thanks for the offer of assistance.

    O.k. forum members, let's step up to the plate and see if we can get a little, but important improvement in our expensive gear from the manufacturers. (I personally don't have any of the wonderful Schneider or Rodenstock lenses yet, so...)

    I'm assuming Armin speaks German, and he could be a nice resource. It's tough communicating with the German photo companies in English (or French for that matter). Andre

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    A naive question. Since the caps are plastic, could you heat one up in the oven and press something round into it from the 'lens side' to try to put some space between the cap and the lens? If it works, it's a cheap solution.

  3. #3

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    Andre, I think that I will stick with Armin's original quaint English posting which is succint, at least.

    By the way, 'everyone' is singular. It follows that it does not match with the possessive 'their' which is a plural case, a common mistake. An epicene 'his' would suffice, PC-ness be damned.

    'Pre-emptively changed...before damage could occur...'. Hmm, sounds redundant to me.

    An adverb follows a verb usually. In the interest of clarity, the rule can be broken sometimes. However, I grant you this is not the case.

    Please do not take it upon your good self to correct another's post unless he, in this instance Armin, asked for it. It is not good manners.

    Mea culpa.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 1998

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    Touche, Armin. Touche.

  5. #5

    For better lens caps, last part!!!


    Don't let the comments about your language skills put you off, some people are just ignorant of this world culture we live in, assuming everybody speaks and writes fluent English. We do appreciate your input to this forum. Thanks.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    I just appreciate the fact that the educational system in Europe is so much better that that of the U.S., and that many of the people there can effectively communicate in multiple languages. It allows us (Americans) to benefit from their knowledge and experiences. Shame that we can't put our house in order and have our students learn our own language. Apparently classes in civility should be next on the list.

  7. #7

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    I knew exactly what Armin Seeholzer was trying to say. I doubt seriously he would know what I was trying to say if I wrote in German. Please folks, let's keep this forum for LF questions. English classes can be held on another forum. Incidentally, I have posted some great errors in English when I was in a hurry, and I am a former newspaper editor/photographer. Let's enjoy the forum and back off of dinging one another. Armin has been a great contributer to the forum.



  8. #8

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    I thinks Eric are a kOlleGe gRaduit!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Redondo Beach

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    Hi Armin

    Steve Grimes will make lens caps for any lens you have, he made front and back caps for my Wollensak which fit like a glove, and aren't going anywhere near the front element.

    The original caps on the Docter Optics I purchased are great, they fit like a glove, and seem almost impossible to mash in. I hope this helps.
    Jonathan Brewer

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Redondo Beach

    For better lens caps, last part!!!

    I totally agree Armin, considering the amount of money you spend on a lens you ought to have good caps to start with. There's got to be some bean counters somewhere who're adding up the pennies they save from not putting out.
    Jonathan Brewer

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