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Thread: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Anyone know where I can find a Zone VI type 2 enlarger lens board? Looking for a 27mm opening to fit my Componon 80.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Virginia Beach, Va.

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Other than Calumet or E-bay I don't know.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Vero Beach, Florida

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    You might contact Richard Ritter, he has a little bit of everything.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Make one

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Mount Vernon, Virginia

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ed Pierce View Post
    Anyone know where I can find a Zone VI type 2 enlarger lens board? Looking for a 27mm opening to fit my Componon 80.
    Any metal working shop should be able to fabricate one for you if you have one they can use as a model.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Pine Junction, CO

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    I think you asked this somewhere else. From the information I have, they didn't make a lensboard with this size opening. It seems your alternatives will be to have one made, or buy another lens in the focal length you need with a 'standard' opening.
    Keith Pitman

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Ed, not sure where you are in Vermont, but I found an envelope in Ted's studio marked "Zone VI lensboards," and Richard has been through a lot of what's here and may know if what you're looking for is among it. I think he may come over soon for something else, and you're certainly welcome too, if you'd like to look... it would be agony for you if I tried to guess from a description!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Richmond, VA

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?


    I'll bet the envelope contains wooden Zone VI lensboards for use with Zone VI or Wisner cameras. The OP is looking for a metal lensboard for a Zone VI Enlarger.

    Hope all is well,

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Thanks, John... these are metal! No markings on them, and a couple of squares, but also one sort of concave shaped. That's why I thought they might be worth identifying for Ed.

    I'm becoming the queen of research about equipment on the Internet, but you're certainly right that I still don't know much! If what's here can be of use elsewhere, I just figure it's worth floating the info I do have and seeing if it will do any good.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Bowen View Post

    I'll bet the envelope contains wooden Zone VI lensboards for use with Zone VI or Wisner cameras. The OP is looking for a metal lensboard for a Zone VI Enlarger.

    Hope all is well,

  10. #10

    Re: Source for Zone VI lensboard?

    Buy an undrilled blank from Calumet. They may drill it for you. I know they do for Copal sizes. If not, SK

    I have made many from 1/8 model aircraft plywood from the hobby shop. A razor saw, ruler, files and patience is all you need. Stain the match the camera.

    Find the center and make the hole. Use a lathe, proper drill, or just make 1/8 holes around the edge staying inside the 27mm mark. Then use a 1/2 round file to round out the bumps. A rotary file in my drill press speeds this considerably.

    I have made 6 boards for my Zone VI. They all work perfectly

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