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Thread: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

  1. #31
    kev curry's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Frank, as you well know the Linhof head is rock solid with a heavy Technika but Ive found that 4me it wasn't up to the job of holding a heavy 10X8 Shen/300mm sironar n. Maybe it could handle the lighter Chamonix.......who knows????
    [[Editied for inappropriate language-moderator]]

    Last edited by Tom Westbrook; 20-Jun-2008 at 15:58. Reason: inappropriate language

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Haha yeah I love that little Linhof 3-way head but it is small and a big camera introduces more torque when you insert holders and such, I would maybe compare it to one of the Arca B-1s for similar capability and those are borderline not because of the camera's weight but just the leverage...

    Ehh I am starting my own country as soon as I sell enough prints...

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    I got a steal of a deal on 2 lenses awhile ago. A Fuji 360 and a 300 Sironar N both in mint, $500-for both. Either one of these lenses work well wide open for portraits. In fact I use the 300 Sironar N on 7x17 at portrait distances and it is really wonderful wide open on the contact print. You might want to look at the Dallmeyers as well. I have one that works well on the 8x10 Deardorff, well actually it's a bit heavy for it...but I think it is 340mm or so and has a fast aperature of 3.5 or f4 I forget at the moment. It is stunning in it's effects, it is the 4b model. Just fits on the 6" Deardorff board. Good luck.

  4. #34

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    Coast of Oregon

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Frank, I got out today to do some architectural shooting in a downtown environment. I took along both the 8x10 Chamonix and my trusty 4x5 Wista technical camera. I shot with the 8x10 first, because I need the practice and it'll make for a nicer end result (I plan on it being a "large" series ;-}). It handled nicely, but I really had to tighten the knobs well to get the camera to stay rigid with some extreme shifts. I used a 240 G-Claron, always stopped down, but it was slow focusing on a bright downtown sidewalk. It was on a good, sturdy Davis and Stanford tripod. After several shots I ran out of film holders and returned to the car for more. Instead, I grabbed the Wista and three film holders that fit in my cargo pocket and started to walk to another area. I shot very quickly with the smaller, bulkier camera. I think it was way easier to focus with just a pop up hood than the darkcloth (I had a lightweight nylon scarf version I made for the camera, but it is too small... need bigger area). Plus the lens was a 90mm /f5.6 versus the earlier 9 of the 240mm.

    In short, you will miss your Linhof, but the lightweight 8x10 can handle the task, but it requires some getting used to... I ain't there yet.

  5. #35

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    Aug 2006

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization


    I would suggest there is little difference between the performance of the Nikon, Schneider & Rodenstock 240mm f5.6 lenses. If money were no object I would choose the Sironar S which is supposed to have great sharpness wide open & creamy bokeh. I use a Fuji 250 f6.7, which is smaller than the previously mentioned lenses. Its only single coated but has a larger image circle than its multicoated f6.3 replacement. Take a look at the link below for more info

    I’ve been using a 10x8 Wista for a couple of decades now & it does the job but it doesn’t have shift which I miss. I’ve just bought a 10x8 Horseman monorail off eBay & I have been enjoying using the geared movements. It’s not as heavy as it looks but it’s not practical for travelling. I expect it may well be priced similarly to a Sinar P.

    If you need a more compact camera for your travels then take a look at a Wisner Expedition, Phillips, Ebony, Zone IV, Canham (wooden or metal) or the new Ritter. If you don’t want to spend too much then look at a Wista, Deardorff, or Phillips lookee likee the Chamonix.

    Whatever you choose I look forward to seeing the results on your blog


  6. #36

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    Oslo, Norway

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Petronio View Post
    hmmm those KMVs are nice... even Jock Sturges uses an Ektar I think...
    Yeah, back in the 70`s he used an Ektar A lot of Jocks work is done with the 250mm f/6.7 Fujinon, and he now use a 240mm Sironar-S....
    Digital is nice but film is like having sex with light.

  7. #37

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    Feb 1999

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Frank -- I second the Fuji 250 6.7. I use one on a Kodak 2D, and it's great.

  8. #38

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    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    A big camera for the big man. Sounds good to me Frank. Remember where to send your 4x5 equipment!

  9. #39

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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    I can't comment on the Fuji, but the 10" WF Ektar Jim Galli mentioned is certainly a fine lens. Quality & price being equal, consider the shutter---if you dig copals then the Fuji would come out on top. If you think Universals are coolest mechanical device since the 1940 Packard, then the WF Ektar is likely going to be your 'cup of tea.'
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  10. #40
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: 8x10 Advice Needed - Wide-Open 240 at f/5.6 coverage, Chamonix Rationalization

    Frank, you ultimately just need to play with a few of these cameras yourself and see what you like. There are good recommendations here, but the designs are all different, all good, and you just have to see which one feels comfortably your own. Then just break down and spend the money to get what you want. It will make you happier and more at home every time you photograph.

    I think a 300mm plasmat or modern coated tessar would fit your work well. Only slightly longer than what you have now, but still shorter than the "conventional" 8x10 portrait lens. You might want a wider one for interior work, maybe a 240mm, or a 215mm f/4.8 Ilex Acuton/Caltar-S (same lens). Bright, sharp, covers well, and goes for cheap in a good #3 Ilex shutter. They're one of the great under-appreciated lenses.

    I think it will be a good move for you, and I'm curious to see how it affects your work.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

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