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Thread: Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dorset, UK

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Oops! My last reply was composed before I had seen Thilo's clarification, and so looks somewhat strange now. There's no equivocation any more.

  2. #22

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Huw, thank you for the insult. Sorry your answer did not register with me before I made the post. I understand what you are saying and it makes perfect sense, I was mistaken, but don't feel I deserved such ridicule. Have you ever made a mistake in your life?

  3. #23

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dorset, UK

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    I'm sorry Bill - I didn't intend it to come across like that. I'll try to be mor e careful how I express myself in future.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dorset, UK

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Hmmm. Reading it again, my apology doesn't sound entirely adequate - perhaps I had better explain further.

    I've read a lot of posts on forums such as this that have rubbished theoretical answers offered to explain some of the more arcane aspects of photography, optic al theory, or whatever. The posters usually insist that their 'experience' is mo re to be trusted than anyone else's 'theory', no matter how well established it may be.

    I had one just the other day on the Medium Format Digest, where I was effectivel y dismissed as a 'gearhead' and 'beancounter'. One of Bob Saloman's posts put me somewhat in mind of this, and so when eventually I decided to post on this thre ad I was more in a mood to 'wield the big stick' than to 'speak softly'.

    The first paragraph of my first post, while making specific reference to Bill Gl ickman's post, was actually typed with the more general intent of rebutting thos e who dismiss the optical theory because they think their own observations contr adict it, and further, it was typed in a state of some annoyance. With hindsight I conceed that it appears to be ridiculing Bill, and for that, again, I apologi se.

  5. #25

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Huw, thanks for being man enough to step up. That's kind of rare on many of these lists, it usually just creates more flames. I certainly can relate to the "state of mind" you were in when you wrote it.

    Anyway, this was a classic example how a simple concept can elude so many people. Once I thought about what you wrote, a bell went off in my head, Duhhhh.... sometimes in Photography this happens to even the best. That is what's great about these forums, whatever one person forgets others are quick to point out the answer or the flaw in their thinking... thank God you jumped into this one or it would have been a case of the blind leading the blind ! :-)

  6. #26

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Huw - Don't feel bad - you're not the first one to read one of Bob's posts and have an urge to "reach for a big stick". Guess you just clipped Bill on the backswing. :^)

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dorset, UK

    Depth of Focus ... related to focal length or not?

    Thanks Wayne - I know exactly what you mean! :-)

    And thanks to Bill too - I'm relieved that there was no permanent offence.

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