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Thread: View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?


    No, I don't mean more ads.

    I mean more articles about commercial photographers who use large format in their ad jobs. You know ... product photography, etc. There's a huge amount of commercial (non-arsty) photographers doing very good, creative work in large format. Yes, many have gone the digital route but there are still many using traditional methods.

    Tip/techniques of the aboved mentioned photographers. Interviews, a day in the life of so and so while he/she tackles an assignment. Above all, something with substance.


    BTW, I'm glad you asked. I consider that pretty gutsy.

  2. #12
    Yes, but why? David R Munson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1999
    Saitama, Japan

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    I first started reading View Camera in September 1998 when my father picked up an issue for me while on a business trip. Since then, my favorite articles have been those regarding the art and philosophy of large format photography as well as some of the more advanced technical articles. I'm no a huge fan of digital, and I think that at times there has been too much concentration on digital techniques in your magazine. There are other magazines devoted entirely to digital processes that can do a better and more thorough job. That said, I don't object to the occasional article on digital- there have been a few that I have found very interesting and informative("Mixing Traditional and Digital Processes," Nov/Dec '99), but like others I think that after a point it becomes overkill.

    I've always enjoyed articles by/about photographers like John Wimberly, John Fokos, and Gordon Hutchings. As someone else said- I'd like to see some more still life/commercial work, too- along the lines of the Jan/Feb 2001 article on Rob Stanton.

    As far as technical articles are concerned, I think equipment review type articles are kind of a given, but shouldn't be over- done. What I'd like to see more of are articles pertaining to refining technique in traditional b&w darkroom proceses in pursuit of making fine prints- things like split contrast printing, use of papers like Azo, and split toning techniques.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    How about something for the novices and newcomers to the world of LF? Do only professionals read View Camera Magazine? I doubt it - I'm not a professional and I read it .....

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    Ditto to everything Dan Smith said. As a specific example, I'd like to see an extended exploration of the qualities of available fiber based b/w papers, especially with regard to differences between graded and VC types. My own tests show very significant sharpness distinctions, usually in graded's favor, but there are undoubtedly other factors that can be demonstrated such as tonal scale, etc. This is a lot of work, but effort that would be very much appreciated by those of us who do not do photography professionally and have limited time to dedicate to it (see recent thread on that subject).

    Most of all, thanks Steve for what you've provided us over the years. It is appreciated.

  5. #15

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    Dear Steve

    Thanks for giving all of us the opportunity to contribute our personal ideas and preferences. However, even more thanks for working hard and publishing a great magazine!

    As some have pointed out, no matter what track is pursued, some will feel left out or not given their due. If you talk about architecture, a table top person might not feel enough coverage has been done to their field. Hopefully, over time, you can write about all of our favorite subjects.

    I enjoy studio tours to learn how past and present photographers have set up their operations. Also, I learn much when a photograph is shown and there is a full explanation of the setup with diagrams and discussions about difficulties or obstacles overcome. Maybe an article about how photographers deal with urban shooting when there are lots of people milling about. Perhaps, a panel discussion about lens selection when taking various types of shots-not just numbers, but why they feel certain lens act or react better than others. I personally would like to read histories (not merely the PR sections taken from company literature) of the various companies who are involved in large format-how big is the Sinar factory, how many employees does Linfhof have, how many lenses has Rodenstock produced over the years, a tour of Schneider's factory or maybe an article about how Kodak makes sheet film today. Possibly a photo tour of the US giving suggestions of interesting landmarks and directions where out of area photographers can go when they are visiting. Tips from photographers who travel extensively about their suggestions for the packing and safe shipment and delivery of photographic equipment both domestically and abroad.

    Again, thanks for taking the time to ask our input.


    John Bailey

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    I thouroughly enjoy the magazine and it has contributed greatly to my ability and expanding my interests in different aspects of large format photography. Keep up the somewhat ecclectic approach to material. I especially like the sprinkling of the mixed bag issues with those that follow a more specific theme. My only suggestion would be the folowing.

    It is in the interest of everyone who loves working in large format to help increase interest in the format. I think a series of articles discussing how to get started and the pros and cons of buying used gear vs. new gear, classic vs. modern lenses etc. I don't know how feasable it is to talk about buying used when you depend on new equipment advertisers for revenue, but in my case, being able to buy used to begin with allowed me to master some of the technical aspects and be able to make a more informed decison before I purchased a new camera.

    Also occaisonal articles dealing with xtra-large formats. I know you have included such articles in the past and they are a real treat. Thanks for all your efforts.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    First off, a BIG thank you for producing this publication!! Personally, give us anything and everything concerning TRADITIONAL LF photography. I'll read interviews, field tests, equipment reviews, printing and processing, ANYTHING!! Just don't give me DIGITAL!! I appreciate that digital is a tool for the busy commercial photographer who may also combine it with LF. But I guess the majority of your readers, even those who practice in this commercial field, want to see TRADITIONAL!! There are plenty of digital "rags" around!! We are in a priveliged position in as much as you are open to suggestions from your readers and the overwhelming fear at the moment seems to be that traditional techniques are becoming obsolete. Recent postings concern themselves with films that are no longer being made and the apparent "writing on the wall" that this is the death nell for traditional LF. Please prove the pessimists wrong!! Lets have a journal dedicated to REAL LF. I'm no technophobe, but there is a time and a place for digital, and it aint here!! Regards Paul

  8. #18
    tim atherton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 1998

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?


    Mainly echoing much of what has been said - articles on/interviews with contemporary LF photographers, their philosophies as well as techniques - not necessarily just "portrait" types - Sally Mann is an example, though you have had some good stuff on her - so: Meyerowitz (his World Trade Centre work among others); Sternfeld (what a great new book); Sturges; Chris Killip; Nicholas Nixon; Misrach; Gursky...?; and suchlike. Maybe some European (ok UK) photographers - Don McCullin's use of LF? Graham Smith; Paul Davies?

    That said I also enjoy the reviews of modern LF cameras, as well as things like older but useable lenses - Ektars, Goertz etc.

    Tim A
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    Not bad so far! More on alternative processes would be appreciated. Thanks, Steve

  10. #20

    View Camera Magazine - What Would You Like To See?

    An area which perhaps has not been mentioned which would be of value in my opinion would be a "roving critique" of the various LF workshops given throughout the country--an evaluation of personnel, value for the money,the pros & cons--perhaps a touchy subject but if your looking for "truth" then......... And, I would like to see more articles on what is happening in "academia"--what's is being taught, by whom of significance, what trends are being taught, who is making "waves", what is coming out of Rochester,ASU, etc.

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