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Thread: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

  1. #1
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
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    The Incredible Pacific Northwest

    North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    so the wife and i are planning on spending the long holiday weekend in the North Cascades, WA region around Winthrop... any suggestions for great hikes or places to shoot?

    i've already read that the Patterson Mountain Loop and Maple Pass Loop are great hikes... got any other suggestions? we're only bringing gear for day hikes, so i'd say our limit would be in the 10 mile range.

    this will be our first time in the area, so any tips would be much appreciated!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    The area just east of Rainy Pass is beautiful - the Liberty Bell and the Early Winter Spires are on the south side of Highway 20. You can hike to the base of the Liberty Bell in about 40 minutes - that's all I'm familiar with.

  3. #3
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
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    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    hey eric, did you ever make it out to the enchanment lakes last october? i was searching for info on north cascades, and came across a thread where you mentioned you were going to go in - or trying to secure passes. the area looks amazing... we were considering heading to levenworth and trying to do the enchantments, but didn't think we were up to the rigors of that hike just yet! it remains high on my list, though.

  4. #4

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    Oct 2005

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    Yes, I did make it but was not able to secure an overnight permit. Consequently, I was forced to make the round trip in a day (from the Snow Lake side) and had to descend before the golden hour, and - consequently - my best photo is little more than a giant snapshot. It's too bad because the larch were golden and there had been an early snow.

    I missed the advanced registration lottery this year so I'll be hoping to secure an overnight pass this fall by showing up early at the Forest Service facility.

    Sorry that I don't have any further suggestions for hiking destinations around Winthrop - hopefully someone else will chime in.

  5. #5
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
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    The Incredible Pacific Northwest

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    wow, that one hell of a day hike! nice shot, BTW.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sweet, ID

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    Check with the local ranger station before planning hikes, I would suspect it will be a very late entry into anything very high with the snowfall this year, unless you're snowshoeing or skiing in/out.
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  7. #7
    Scott Rosenberg's Avatar
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    The Incredible Pacific Northwest

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Metcalf View Post
    Check with the local ranger station before planning hikes, I would suspect it will be a very late entry into anything very high with the snowfall this year, unless you're snowshoeing or skiing in/out.
    thanks, paul. coming from texas, having to worry about snow over memorial day seems CRAZY... still getting used to the climate up here.

    we're not planning on skiing or snowshoeing, so i'll be sure to check the trail conditions.

  8. #8

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    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    It look like the pass is open - here's a fun link:

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Joyce, Washington

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    Scott, have you looked into It's subscription-based, but it provides topo maps and detailed info on trails nationwide. I just discovered it in researching some of my own trips this fall. Anyway, they have a free 2 week demo if you want to try it out.

    Paul makes a very good point, we have had an amazing year for cold and snow. I'm still scraping my windshield in the mornings.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Portland, OR

    Re: North Cascades Area Memorial Day Weekend...

    Scott - even the Coast Range west of here has snow on it. That's totally unheard of - sure, in Dec to Feb some years, but in May???

    Anyway, it should be great up there.

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