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Thread: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    An interesting segment this morning on Gregory Crewdson. I was not familiar with his work, but apparently he is HOT in the fine-art gallery market. (Not really my cup of Dektol.)
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  2. #2
    alec4444's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    New York City

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    More like a giant still life. Imagine of the film got scratched in development!!!!

    The final print looked a little "overdone" to my aesthetics, but I think it's great that people can make a living doing what they love. Can't fault the guy for that!


  3. #3
    Robert Brummitt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Beaverton, Oregon

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    Yeah, I watched it. Very interesting of what he does to create his work. No wonder print prices are $100.000. He has to pay all those support people. Of course his prints are 7 feet long. Couldn't fit that in my home anywhere!
    I wish to have a better close ups of some of the final prints. Looks like his Photoshop person softens to almost looking like paintings.
    His work reminds me of painter Edward Hopper. Specially "Night Hawks"

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    I love Crewdsons work, wish I had of seen the program!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Zurich, Switzerland

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    I have seen his work at an exhibition and the impact of those huge prints is incredible - pin-sharp right down to the tiniest detail.

    I guess you have to buy into that whole David Lynch 'weird suburbia' aesthetic to appreciate much of his work, though.

  6. #6

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    Oct 2003
    White Lake, Ontario.

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    Crewdson is more like a movie director rather than a photographer given his elaborate sets, props, lighting, actors. The main difference is, he uses an 8x10 still camera as opposed to a movie camera. His work is very hot indeed fetching around $60K per print if I recall correctly. Wish I'd seen the CBS piece.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Lakewood, CO

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    I'll try to watch this when I get home. We Tivo Sunday Morning and I didn't have a chance to watch it yesterday. They usually have good stories about artists.

  8. #8

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    Watch this piece at the CBS website:

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Grenier View Post
    Crewdson is more like a movie director rather than a photographer given his elaborate sets, props, lighting, actors. The main difference is, he uses an 8x10 still camera as opposed to a movie camera. His work is very hot indeed fetching around $60K per print if I recall correctly. Wish I'd seen the CBS piece.
    Yes, It's amazing work. The production is that BIG that he has a director of photography and a camera operator. Some images are composites of 5 or 6 negs, retouched together.

    Here's a great link to more of his process...

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hannover, Germany and Bratislava, Slovakia

    Re: Gregory Crewdson on CBS Sunday Morning

    His most expensive photo on Sothebys sold for $169k, that is a collection of 12 different photos attached to a single board. There are some that sold for $60-70k. And quite a few that sold for $20-30k. Anyone some predictions about whether those for $20-30k will be worth ten times so much in 5 years?

    I understand that now he is well established and has enough money to produce such photos. But where did he find money for the first one?


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