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Thread: 150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

  1. #1

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

    I know that the G-Clarion is optimized for 1:1 reproduction. Would the Apo-Siro nar S yield equally good results for tabletop work, thereby remaining useful as a general-purpose lens? There's a $200 difference in purchase price between the two; seems worth it if the Apo-Sironar's macro capabilities are equivalent. A ny thoughts from the Forum? Thanks.

  2. #2

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work


    The lens made specifically for the job you describe is the Fuji 180mm f8 AS. It can be had on the used market for ridiculously low prices.


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 1998

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

    I've only been using the 150 "S" for about a month. However, I photographed a Ni kkor 300M lens and filled about 80-90% of the frame on the diagonal (lens was mounted on a lensboard). I don't k now the magnification as I simply use a tape rule to figure the bellows extension factor. I do know it wasn't 1:1 . Th e resulting shot was outstandingly sharp on Polaroid Type 54. Shots taken in the normal focusing range are the sharpest I've seen. I've not used the G-Claron so I cannot compare.

    If this lens is to do double duty as close up and landscapes or etc., by all mea ns, I recommend the APO S. The literature says it is corrected down to 1:5. If 1:1 is mandatory and it is your living, the n a true macro lens should be better but I doubt it will do double duty.

  4. #4

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

    I've used the Apo-Sironar-S for critical copy work to 1/4 scale with outstanding results. How great a magnification do you plan to routinely use?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

    Officially the Apo Sironar S is corrected for 1:5 to infinity. It is not recommended for closer work but obviusly some use it with outstanding results.

    The S will perform optimally from f 8 to f 22. A process lens, shorter than 600mm is optimized only for f22 and that should be the only stop that delivers critical performance. Thus a general purpose lens like the S will also work best at a range of magnifications and apertures.

    For closer work than 1:5 the recommended Rodenstock lenses are the Apo Macro Sironar which are corrected for 1:5 t

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 1997
    Baraboo, Wisconsin

    150 G-Clarion v. Apo-Sironar S for Tabletop/Studio Work

    Although the 150 mm G Claron is optimized for 1-1 it isn't a true macro lens and actually works very well as a general purpose lens.I use mine mostly as a general purpose lens but occasionally as a close up lens and it does both quite well. It also has lots of coverage, which is nice.
    Brian Ellis
    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you do criticize them you'll be
    a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

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