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Thread: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    Can I properly use them w/ Kodak Readyloads also? I am wondering since I'm reading about flatness issues w/ the Polarroid holder. Making plans for nest shoot and want to ready myself.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    yes, but make sure you get the latest Kodak Readyload. It has a big red release button. It now has a spring loaded pressure plate AND it has the side slots for Graflok backs. Earlier Kodak readyloads (I and II I think) had many problems. I thought the Polaroid 545i Pro also had a springloaded pressure plate which has been the common problem with film flatness in terms of Quick and Ready load packets.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ann Arbor, MI USA

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    To make sure...
    Readyload HOLDER can be used with both Readyload and Quickload FILM PACKETS.
    Quickload HOLDER can be used only with Quickload FILM PACKETS.

    You'd want a Readyload HOLDER if you want to have one holder that works with both Kodak and Fuji film packets.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    If you want the one that works all the time, get the fuji quick load holder and only use fuji film. The readyload is not as reliable.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    Awwww....I read Hiro's response and my eyes lit up w/ hope.....I read John's and my heart sank....

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    I may go for the seems reasonable that a newer model has been corrected.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    Go for the Kodak, the current model works fine with Kodak and Fuji.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ann Arbor, MI USA

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    When I started LF, I didn't know which system would work best for me (films, packets vs. DDS, etc.). I also wanted to limit the initial investment, so I bought a Polaroid holder that did all three (Pola/Quick/Ready). Now I know I like LF and understand how I work, so I want to get a "proper" holder(s). If it's like that with you, it's not a bad idea to start with a Readyload holder, then get a Quickload holder later if/when you see a benefit.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Spokane, WA

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    I just use the Kodak Readyload holder right now only as a backup, it has never failed me for Quickloads or Readyloads. The unfortunate thing is that by using either system, you limit the types of film you can use. But they are sure convenient in a pinch....and no dust worries.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Fuji Quick Load holders.....

    Well.....I don't plany to use quick/readyloads all the time. For field work only. If I want to do still lifes at home, I can always take my to load holders. Limiting the film type may not be such a bad thing. It does make for consistency.

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