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Thread: Film holder manufacturer

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Film holder manufacturer

    I'm posting this link to a conversation that is ongoing at the apug forum. I recently ordered and paid for custom built filmholders from AWB and the workmanship and serviced I received was downright shameful. Now I'm out over 2000.00 and I wouldn't want to see this happen to anybody. Now I'll try to post a link to the conversation.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Apparently the link I tried didn't work. If anyone knows how to insert a link to this conversation please do so. It is under the Ultra large Format Camera and Accessories section. Thanks, Robert

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Nuremberg Germany

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Quote Originally Posted by robert View Post
    Apparently the link I tried didn't work. If anyone knows how to insert a link to this conversation please do so. It is under the Ultra large Format Camera and Accessories section. Thanks, Robert
    Possible this link works better

    Peter K
    (not over 8x10" )

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Thank you Peter. Robert

  5. #5

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Quote Originally Posted by robert View Post
    I'm posting this link to a conversation that is ongoing at the apug forum. I recently ordered and paid for custom built filmholders from AWB and the workmanship and serviced I received was downright shameful. Now I'm out over 2000.00 and I wouldn't want to see this happen to anybody. Now I'll try to post a link to the conversation.
    For what is worth Robert, I ordered a couple of S&S holders for my Wisner 12x20 and they did not fit perfectly. I had to shave both the lower and upper edges and as with yours, the lip on the holder for the groove was too thick so I also deepened the grove. This is a simple operation with a router.

    I understand your frustration and you being upset for having paid for custom work that was not delivered. But at this stage I would say grab the holders and back and send them to Ritter to be fixed. I cannot access APUG's gallery so I am unable to see the pics and maybe offer a solution to your problem that you can do at home. I get the feeling that if you have a friend who is a wood worker he can probably fit the holders to the camera easily.

    The question about the septum and having 3 sheets fit into the groove, well that is just shoddy manufacturing, if you are able to focus correctly then this also can be fixed by sliding and gluing a wedge into each rail. This will require more careful work and someone who is really good with a band saw to make a wedge thin enough to fit in between the septum and the rail.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Hi Jorge, This is an AWB holder. It has an inner rib like a normal holder but it also has a top rib or rib handle that snaps over the back when the inner locks in. The problem is in order to seat the inner rib where it is suppose to go the top rib handle slides inside the camera holding the inner rib away from its groove and not allowing it to seat. So the problem is the distance between the top rib handle and the rib. This is why I sent a holder and the camera back to him so he could get the fit right. Now in order to mill enough off the top rib handle to clear the back he would have to mill right through the screws that mount the rib plate on the holder. The other fix would be to widen the rib groove in the back another 3/16" which would mean I would have to pull it up that far off the bottom of the back to get it to seat properly. This is why I had paid to have custom holders built to avoid these fixes. I've owned a couple of Wisners now, and Like you I'm well aware of the variables in his cameras. That is why I paid to have custom holders built. .....But aside from that, it is good to see you post. I'm still doing brush development that you taught me years ago. Yeah I know it takes a little longer but the results are hard to beat. Robert

  7. #7

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    May 2006

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    Jorge, Ritter does great work. All you have to do is ask any Wisner owner. We've hooked up more than once. But have you seen his new cameras? Damn talk about innovative. Sandy King is now hauling around a 20x24 on his back that weighs 25lb. Now that is thinking outside the box. Robert

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    As I mentioned in the pervious post I get the same amount of 'slop' in my holders. It truly varies from one to the other so what you may consider 'slop' is just standard. This just isn't AWB holders its Wisner vintage and Mint as well as 'used to death' Korona types too. I haven't used an S+S but other folks mentioned the same..maybe this is also true of Chamonix but one of those owners will have to pipe in at some point.

    CP Goerz

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    CP, In your post on the other forum you said your AWB holders were the best fitting holders you own. ( unless that wasn't your post and if that is the case I apologize) I've also owned various manufacturer holders and I've never owned one that allowed me to load 4 sheets of film and allow enough film sag/bow that the film is at the point of falling out of the film rail. I would be tickled to death to have them to allow me to load two sheets of film. That I could live with. But 4 sheets is hardly acceptable. I own some Wisner holders and I assure you the film gates fit twice as good as these. Robert

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    South Carolina

    Re: Film holder manufacturer

    [QUOTE=Jorge Gasteazoro;308345]

    I understand your frustration and you being upset for having paid for custom work that was not delivered. But at this stage I would say grab the holders and back and send them to Ritter to be fixed. I cannot access APUG's gallery so I am unable to see the pics and maybe offer a solution to your problem that you can do at home. I get the feeling that if you have a friend who is a wood worker he can probably fit the holders to the camera easily.


    I second Jorge's recommendation. Send the back and holders to Richard Ritter for the fix. Richard does EX+ work, and usually with a fast turn-around. And his prices for repairs and modifications are very reasonable. I recommend RR to everyone who asks about these type of modifications as he is, IMO, the best in the business.

    As for the slop in way the film fits into the grooves, I would not worry so much about it. DOFocus (depth of focus), which is different from DOField (depth of field) is very great with ULF equipment.

    Sandy King

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