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Thread: Lens shades on field cameras

  1. #1
    Senior for sure
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Southern Ontario

    Lens shades on field cameras

    Greetings all, As I add toys to my Tachihara woodfield, I find that I'm a little stumped as to a good approach for a lens shade on the Tachi - what do field shooters typically use? The Tachi doesn't have provision for the attachment of a compendium, and a lthough my local dealer has some "wide angle" lens shades for 35mm (they seem aw fully short to do any good), I'm also not sure if they will accomodate the 70-75 deg view angle of LF lenses. Any suggestions?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 1997

    Lens shades on field cameras

    My advice, which others will disagree with, is don't bother with a lens shade. I use my hat or the dark slide to shade the lens and have never noticed a problem.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Lens shades on field cameras

    I just use a couple of sizes of rubber lense shades on my Linhof IV and help them along with my hat or hand or body etc. They aren't perfect and don't often work well with much rise or shift but are better than bare lens and hat. A compendium would work better but I have enough to carry and fiddle with.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Lens shades on field cameras

    Calumet makes a nifty little 3x3 inch clip-on filter holder with 2 barn doors that fold out. It is shirt pocket size and fits lenses up to 67mm filter size. The barn doors are adjustable for use with any focal length/movement combination. The only drawback: only two sides are shaded, but it works well enough for 90% of flary situations. Regards, ;^D)

  5. #5

    Lens shades on field cameras

    I use the Cokin P-size filter holder for split neutral density filters, the occasional polarizing filter and 81b warmer. Cokin also sells hard plastic, stackable lens shades for this filter holder. I find it to work nicely at a low cost. Be sure to look/test for vignetting with wide angles lenses. jj

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 1999

    Lens shades on field cameras

    Paul, Try this for size before spending big bucks on a Lee hood. Get yourself some matt black matting/mounting board (cheap and for this it doesn't even need to be archivally stable - joke!). Cut two squares from the board, approx 6 to 8 inches square. Place them back to back, black surface facing out and stick (use double sided tape). Then take strips of black electricians/gaffer tape and run these along the four edges. Voila...a lens shade! Fits easily into a pocket in your bag/pack and one side is also the perfect place to stick memos re:ASA settings, filter factors etc . If you find it doesn't suit then you could always spend a few hundred dollars on the Lee system (probably the best there is) regards Paul

  7. #7

    Lens shades on field cameras

    A cap or dark slide held to shade the front of the lens, as mentioned above, is a fine solution since there is no additional bits stuck onto the lens to catch wind, etc.

    Compendiums can take quite a buffetting and vibrate out front of the lens. The Cokin, Lee, Sinar and other stckable shades general fail by reflecting light from the surface opposite the light source back into the lens, causing another source of flare to be shielded byt guess what? A cap or darkslide held to shade the lens-chade.

    Cheap, portable and effective ... cap or darkslide.


  8. #8

    Lens shades on field cameras

    Paul --

    On my Rodenstock Sironar /150mm I use a metal hood, 49mm. It is a generic Japanese product, bought at B&H for 9.95. They don't have it listed in their catalogue, perhaps they list it online. I am sure if you call them they know what you mean. I use the same brand, but larger on my Contax 35mm, I considered it a great find.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2000

    Lens shades on field cameras idea... I shoot in both format MF et LF... I manage to use a lens shade for both (I hate to carry duplicate..)... so... I bought a screw-in adapter for my LF lenses in order to use my Hassy lens shade (adjsutable for different lenses and fold flat)... it works for me...hope this help...

  10. #10
    Whatever David A. Goldfarb's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Honolulu, Hawai'i

    Lens shades on field cameras

    Another variation on the darkslide theme is (if you have enough bellows extension and time to set this up) to position the darkslide so it hangs about halfway over the front standard (being careful to avoid vignetting), and drape the darkcloth over it so that it holds the darkslide in place and also shields the sides of the lens. If you try this, also be sure to check that the darkcloth isn't causing the bellows to sag and impinge on the image area.

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