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Thread: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Brandon, Manitoba, Canada

    Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    Hello all
    First post here, after soaking up info in a LOT of hours of reading the forums.

    I recently returned from China, where I shot TMax 100 in 4x5 with a Crown Graphic (along with a Schneider 135mm) in remote areas bordering Tibet.

    The film was rated at EI100 for exposures, shot in daytime.

    Obviously, these images are pretty special to me as much for the subject matter as the difficulty in getting there, so I really want to get this right. My goal is to hand print the images on B&W paper (likely my favorite paper, Ilford Warmtone multigrade FB), with the eventual goal of an exhibit.

    My question: which developer works well with this film, in your experience?

    I've developed TMax100 in 35mm using the TMax developer, but notice the bottle says it's not recommended for film other than roll.
    My previous developers with other films (including HP5 in 4x5) is either D76 or Ilfosol.

    I'd prefer something trusty and familiar such as D76 but want to be 100% sure before touching a single sheet...thanks for any help!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Oceanside, CA

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    For TMAX sheet film you should use TMAX RS developer rather than the regular TMAX developer which isn't recommended for sheet film. My understanding is that some people use this developer 1:9. The TMAX RS developer is specifically designed for sheet film.

    I use HC-110, dilution B for 6 minutes.

    What I would recommend, though, is to expose about half a dozen sheets under normal conditions in your back yard, and develop at least a few of them before your valuble negatives, no matter what developer you choose.

    John Clark

  3. #3
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    The best conventional developer that I have found for Tmax 100 is D76 at a 1+1 dilution, and Xtol 1+1.
    I hope the EI of 100 will be okay for you as that may result in slightly thin shadow densities...I usually shot this film at an EI of 64 with either developer mentioned above.
    When you have your film developed, I'd love to see the results. Be sure to post them here, eh?
    PS. Brandon Wheat Kings suck...

  4. #4
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
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    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    I've developed TMX 100 in D-76 full strength and 1:1, in HC-110 (actually Ilfosol HC) 1:38 (Dilution B), in T-Max RS as directed in the instructions and in Xtol. I've had good results with all of them, although the Ilfosol is a little on the gentle side for N+ developments for my taste. I have settled on D-76 straight as my standard developer for this film in a Jobo expert drum.

    One question I would ask is did you base exposure using zone system technique or something else? What was the range of luminance? Normally, I expose TMX as though its EI was ASA 64 or more recently ASA 80. Having done so, I give it about 20% less development time to prevent overly dense highlights. If you have some negatives that are duplicates or similar to others, you might want to see if some underdevelopment will give you a more printable result.

    I would proceed slowly. If your film was exposed at higher altitudes, you may have denser results than you planned on due to higher amounts of UV. Maybe you could give us a little more detail about the subject matter, the lighting and your exposure technique. That info could help determine what makes the best sense for development.

  5. #5

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    Aug 2007

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    I was happy with the little bit of Tmax 100 (came in some film holders) that I shot at 100 and souped in rodinal @ 50+1 for 11 min, but I am kinda new to this. What I would suggest if these images are important to you (sounds like they are) is shoot some more and try different developers and see what gives you what you want before trying it on your irreplaceable negatives.

  6. #6
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    Talk about working backwards...I'd know your materials inside and out before going on the trip of a life time...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    I've tried XTOL, D76, Pyrocat HD and Rodinal with TMX. All did a good job, but I found the best combination of speed, grain and acutance with XTOL 1:2. I get an EI of 80 with XTOL.

    What I suggest is shoot a couple of sheets using the same lightmeter and EI that you used in China and then develop them as tests and make any necessary adjustments of your development times based on those results.

    Good luck! Don't forget to post the results.

    By the way, in what province were you shooting?

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    New Berlin, Wi

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    FX37 1+5 will work well at EI 100..Evan Clarke

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    St. Simons Island, Georgia

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    I've had good success with TMX using PC-TEA 1:100 at the times for XTOL multiplied by 1.6. I'm rating the film at 50, though.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Massachusetts USA

    Re: Which developer with TMax100 4x5, with these circumstances?

    Since you intend to develop sheet film, and since the trip was already a non-trivial expense, it might be helpful to spend just a little more, and invest a few hundred dollars in an Infra Red Viewing Device, so that you can perform Development By Inspection. That way, no matter what developer you choose, you can monitor and control the development of every single shot.

    Just this morning, I was developing some 4x5 sheets, and discovered, while in the developer, that I over-exposed one of the portraits I made, while working in a hurry at a family gathering. I cut development time a bit on those sheets, the result being an N-1 development time, and a lovely negative with full shadows and perfect high values. It will be easier to print, than an over-exposed negative.

    Likewise, I found that the shadows were a little empty in another shot, so I left it in the bottom of the tray for a while without agitation: a bit of semi-stand development, so that the shadows would build up.

    I did this while developing 20 other sheets, all at the same time, which some might consider a high number. When you can see what you're doing, everything goes a lot more easily.

    Once, I discovered during development, that there was something wrong with the developer. Nothing was coming out. (Perhaps I made a mistake in mixing the solution. Who knows ?) So I just mixed up some more - in the dark - and proceeded. The viewing device paid for itself on that day.

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