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Thread: So I avoided the Post Office today...

  1. #1
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Talking So I avoided the Post Office today...

    ...and came home to find a camera waiting for me anyway! My new 5x7 Wisner Tech Field arrived courtesy of Midwest Photo!

    Those following my odyssey on this quest will appreciate the story I'm about to tell.

    Having purchased and then returned another 5x7 "Tech Field" (some debate about whether it really was or not) I was feeling kinda bummed. I had sold a medium format lens in order to purchase a 5x7 outfit, and my budget was dwindling: the return had cost me some money (restocking fee) and I had just bought a handful of 5x7 holders on eBay. I still needed a camera, a lighter tripod (weight was behind the whole concept of buying a 5x7 - need something lighter than 11x14), and a darkcloth. I had settled on a Wisner 5x7 Tech Field to match my 11x14 Tech Field. Lens boards are the same, movements are identical, and a packard shutter mod could be shared.

    As near as I can tell, Wisner 5x7 Tech Fields don't grow on trees, and my budget was pretty limited. A handful of people from this forum told me to call Jim at Mpex. Glowing reviews all over. "Perhaps he knows of a source to obtain one?" they said. So I called...

    The day I called just so happened to be the day the state of Ohio got dumped on in major storms. The news that evening showed cars floating down the street. I called that morning. A pleasant but frazzled woman answered the phone. I asked for Jim. She told me that the power just went out and they were experiencing flooding problems...could Jim call me back later? No problem, I said.

    Five minutes later Jim called me back. "If we get disconnected, please don't be upset, our power is out and we're on backup. So how can I help you today?" Was this real? Asked about the Wisner Tech Field 5x7..... "As a matter of fact I have a used one in stock. When the power comes back on, I'll email you some photos. What's your email address?" No, I pinched myself and indeed I was not dreaming.

    The next day I got an email with the photos, and a price. The price was fair, the camera looked good, but it wasn't leaving a lot of room for a tripod & such. So I called back, told Jim my dilemma, and gave him my total budget. How could I get the camera and a light tripod? Did he have any used tripods that would support this weight? Jim said he'd look into it and get back to me.

    Couple days later I got an email alert from flea-bay alerting m to a new posting for a 5x7 to 4x5 reducing back. Seller was...Midwest Photo! Called up Jim. "Oh, yeah, we got that you want it?" Hell yeah I did. It had the graflok back. "No problem, I'll pull the auction for you." Really? And I'd be damned if that auction was pulled in five minutes. Who is this guy??

    Lastly, he called me back with a tripod recommendation, and found me a NEW tripod that was within my budget, could support the camera, and was light. Then he knocked off a few dollars here, a few there, and hit my budget within ~ $50 or so. WITH THE REDUCING BACK! WITH a 30 day trial period on everything.

    Anyway, I thought I'd share a few pics on the new baby tonight, along with some photos of his big brother. And I have to say, I can't WAIT to do business again with Jim and Midwest. Now I understand what all the fuss is about when you guys were waxing lyrical about that place. I'm in awe!


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    New Jersey

    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    And the tripod is ..... induro, just as I guessed.

  3. #3
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Yep. Jury's still out on that one...I have to use it for a while and see. The only decent tripod I've ever owned is the Ries A100. So it'll take some time to adjust to this style....not the weight though! Any thoughts on these?


  4. #4

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    New Jersey

    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Quote Originally Posted by alec4444 View Post
    Yep. Jury's still out on that one...I have to use it for a while and see. The only decent tripod I've ever owned is the Ries A100. So it'll take some time to adjust to this style....not the weight though! Any thoughts on these?

    I have a Benro(Induro) monopod, it is quite good. They make quite good tripods, although I am not a big fan of their tripod ball heads.

  5. #5

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    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Congratulations. Glad you finally got where you needed to go. Most of us have been down that bumpy path and are happy to help the next guy avoid some of our bumps. Of course there are always new fresh bumps out there.


  6. #6

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    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Sweet, ID

    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    I've had similar positive experiences with Jim. In my opinion, he is almost single handily keeping (putting) the good name in dealership support. I only wish he was within driving distance.
    The only trouble with doin' nothing is you can't tell when you get caught up

  8. #8
    Dave Karp
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Metcalf View Post
    I only wish he was within driving distance.
    I have often thought the same.

    On the other hand, if I lived nearby, he would probably own me.

  9. #9

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    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Metcalf View Post
    I've had similar positive experiences with Jim. In my opinion, he is almost single handily keeping (putting) the good name in dealership support. I only wish he was within driving distance.
    Midwest is within 5 mins drive from my apartment.
    I got to see a lot of fun stuff there, like the Fuji 1200A, 42in Dagor...

  10. #10
    alec4444's Avatar
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    Re: So I avoided the Post Office today...

    Quote Originally Posted by Songyun View Post
    I got to see a lot of fun stuff there, like ... 42in Dagor...
    Oh yeah, that lens has been calling me for some time. I've actually got the bellows for it!


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