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Thread: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

  1. #51

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    NJ / NYC, USA.

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    What are you talking about? Every "LF get together" I've ever attended was at a rather comfortable and costly residence, filled with dozens of attractive, curvaceous women wearing skin tight stripper dresses.....Oh wait, those were "MILF get togethers". My bad.

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    it's slowdown the world, fun

  3. #53

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Duane Polcou View Post
    Oh wait, those were "MILF get togethers". My bad.
    Michigan LF get togethers?

  4. #54

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    May 2006

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Duane Polcou View Post
    What are you talking about? Every "LF get together" I've ever attended was at a rather comfortable and costly residence, filled with dozens of attractive, curvaceous women wearing skin tight stripper dresses.....Oh wait, those were "MILF get togethers". My bad.
    Been to a few of those, have you?

  5. #55

    Join Date
    Feb 2000

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by cyrus View Post
    Exciting? Glamorous? Arousing? Exhilirating? Sensational?

    Why not?

    I was out with a group of LF photographers and it occurred to me that most were male, middle-aged, balding . . . Not that there's anything wrong with that but does it influence LF photography in a negative manner? Are we in danger of being fuudy-duddy penny loafers in a red patent leather stilettos world? Or am I going through an early middle age crisis?

    A related question would be: why do you think it should be glamorous, etc., in order to be a rich experience?

    I find the experience of LF photography, from capturing the image to realizing it in the darkroom, to be contemplative, poetic, and profound. I think you valorize one type of experience and thus miss the beauty of others.

    Of course, you could always just wear red patent leather stilettos while you focus under the darkcloth. Or maybe you could get a hairpiece and drive a fancy sports car to where you are going to shoot. That oughta work.

  6. #56
    In the desert...
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    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    I know a photographer that uses a Yellow Hassy, also Keith Canham has cameras on his website in several colors-including green and purple...I have an assortment of hand painted lensboards..

  7. #57

    Join Date
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    trying to escape Michigan and Illinois

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    [QUOTE=cyrus;263061]Exciting? Glamorous? Arousing? Exhilirating? Sensational?

    I alluded to this very thing, albeit not so eloquently as you, not long ago.
    What is thought of as beautiful by the vast majority of fuddy duddies is actually quite boring after 100+ years.

    Thank goodness for Frank Petronio. (not to put my head in his butt; the guy's work really is a shining exception to this unfortunate rule)

  8. #58

    Join Date
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    trying to escape Michigan and Illinois

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    And if I hear "deliberate", "joy to use", "contemplative", "ymmv" one more f*ing time I am going to vomit pyro.

  9. #59
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
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    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by cobalt View Post
    And if I hear "deliberate", "joy to use", "contemplative", "ymmv" one more f*ing time I am going to vomit pyro.
    Well, YMMV but I think it's the deliberate way we work that I like so much. It's contemplative and that makes it a real joy to use. But you didn't hear any of that from me ;-)

    Now, is the Pyro pure enough for resale?

    Bruce Watson

  10. #60

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    Feb 2000

    Re: Would you say that LF photography is . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by cobalt View Post
    And if I hear "deliberate", "joy to use", "contemplative", "ymmv" one more f*ing time I am going to vomit pyro.
    cobalt, you crack me up.

    Okay, it ISN'T deliberate. I almost always carry my 8x10 with me just because I like to carry things. Sometimes I even carry a lawn chair to work. So it definitely isn't deliberate.

    And it ISN'T a joy to use. I would much rather be installing new software - now there is true joy.

    Contemplative? Phooey. I love the shallow and fleeting and I don't spend anymore than a second or two on a shot. If that.

    And to hell wtih YMMV. If you don't agree with me, you are simply wrong.

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