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Thread: Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria

    This is a question for you LF photographers in Germany and Austria. I live a goo d deal of the year in Vienna, Austria and have been frustrated with the local "P ro" photographic suppliers (they don't even stock Tri-X in 4x5 any more!). I ord er occaisionally through Lotus View Camera in Osthermieting, but am looking for other mail-order suppliers with with good selections of B&W film, paper and LF equipment. Ideally, I would like to find a supplier for Tri-X and things I use e xtensively in the US when I am there, among others, Oriental Seagull papers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Danke im voraus!

    Mit freundlichen Gru?en,


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Reykjavík, Iceland

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria

    Die Tatsache is dass wenn man sich fuer dass grosse Format intressiert dann verlaesst man sich am besten auf die Amerikaner. Ich bin auf Island (Iceland) zu hause und hier gibt es keine Quellen fuer grossen Film oder guten Pappier deshalb bestelle ich alles von B&H oder Calumet aus der USA das geht am schnellstem so und auch am billigstem. In Deutschland gibt es doch eine gute Quelle die ist auch im Internet und heisst aber gans billig sind die nicht. Mit freundlichen Gruessen Gudmundu

  3. #3

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria fuer Seagull Papier und andere exotische Fotomaterialien. Schau mal

    an und click auf Links. Es ist doch uberraschend was man in Deutschland finden kann. ist auch nicht schlecht.


    William Levitt

  4. #4

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria

    I can understand about your hang up with Tri-X, but I could suggest the new Bergger films, great for pyro or Ilford HP5+, also great with pyro. Also, Lotus has the B+G Bame und Gorohmann sheet film, I have never try them, but they are rated ISO 400 and they will make any size you want them even small order.

    Concerning Oriental Seagull paper, you can buy it them through Silverprint in the UK (they are mail order)


    Alejandro Lopez de Haro

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria

    Thanks, Danke schon and Merci beaucoups for all the answers. I now have enough sources to keep me busy ordering for months. Now, if I could only get another credit card.....

    Regards, ;^D)

  6. #6

    Mail Order Suppliers in Germany and Austria of Berlin have lots of cheaper films and papers.


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