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Thread: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    We've received a report of a member who is unable to log into the forum using IE5 on a Mac OS 8.6 machine. I'd like to know if anyone else has this problem so I can add info to the bug report I just sent in on the issue.

    If you have registered as a member and have this problem, use the Contact Us form to send the following info to me:

    1. Operating system version
    2. Browser version
    3. Any errors you receive and a description of what happens when you try to log on.
    4. The approximate date when this problem started affecting to you.


  2. #2

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Good afternoon Tom,

    I tried it out on one of my old PowerBooks. Internet Exploder 5.1.7 on Mac OS 9.2.2. I get the rectangle with "Thanks for loggin in . . . " redirect, and then it goes back to the forum page like I did not log in. I tried that with checking the "Remember Me" box, and leaving it unchecked, and the behaviour was the same. I don't normally use this for checking anything, other than to verify if something on my website works or does not. This version of Exploder was a problem that Microsoft never got right. My suggestion is that anyone on an older system use Netscape 7 or the older Mozilla browser.


    Gordon Moat
    A G Studio

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Just to cover all angles - did you check if cookies were enabled?

    Normally I would never suggest using a different browser to any user, but in this case I would agree with Gordon. Internet Explorer for Mac is a dead browser, they officially pulled the plug on it three years ago, so there is really no other choice.

  4. #4

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    To answer Marko's question, accepting all cookies is the default. Oddly enough, that version of Exploder still works with logging into my bank account.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Southern California

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Moat View Post
    To answer Marko's question, accepting all cookies is the default. Oddly enough, that version of Exploder still works with logging into my bank account.
    Funny as it may sound, this may not be Internet Exploder's fault at all. This forum is a commercial package, isn't it? I've seen many web sites made using Microsoft tools and tested to work in Internet Explorer for PC, while failing miserably in other browsers and platforms. The problem in those cases is not with the browser but with the choices made (or not considered) by the developers.

    The irony is that Internet Explorer for Mac was made by an entirely separate team using completely different browsing engine and was usually the first to fail on those IE/PC-centric web sites. It was also regarded as one of the best and most standards-compliant browsers of its day.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    I have no LF forum issues with IE 5.2 on my last generation PowerBook, but I'm fully updated to 10.4.8. I use Safari though, unless I'm logging into Gordon's bank account - only IE works for that

  7. #7
    Photographer, Machinist, etc. Jeffrey Sipress's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Santa Barbara, CA

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    I'm surprised no one has said it yet, but get with the 21st century here. OS 8.6? I don't think there are many applications there that create useable documents by today's standards. We can be nice and whip out our antique Macs from the attic to try to get you an answer, but your life would be better all around with a modern Mac. Even an old iMac running OSX can be had for a couple hundred dollars....or less.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Can someone who was able to reproduce this try logging in again? I turned off some of the plug-ins to see if any of those broke something.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Never mind that last--I got someone to test it already.

  10. #10
    Robert A. Zeichner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 1999
    Southfield, Michigan

    Re: Mac Internet Explorer 5 users - input needed

    Whatever you last did seemed to work. With regard to replacing my computer so I can upgrade to a new operating system and be able to download current browsers, it's just money I don't want to spend, even used. I've got other financial priorites at the moment. When I can no longer collect my email and do the other relatively simple things I bought this computer to do, I'll toss it and begrudgingly start the process over.

    Thanks for your efforts again, Tom.


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