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Thread: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

  1. #1

    Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Friends, I am reaching out for help to return my beloved Epson 7800 to the land of the functioning. It has served me well for nearly 20 years, with no mechanical or software glitches of any kind. As a hobbyist, I print sporadically, and can go a great deal of time between jobs.

    I fired up the printer a couple days ago after a very long hiatus. It came as no surprise when the nozzle check demonstrated clogs. So I ran a couple cleaning cycles, which were partially effective. I ran the nozzle checks from both the PS printer driver, which gives you that one line of boxes with lines, and from the printer panel, which is a much more involved test. When I could not get a clean test, I did a manual nozzle cleaning which did seem to take care of all but one or two gaps.

    So, here is the issue. Once the printer completes a full nozzle test sequence, I try to then print an image through PS. But instead of printing the image, the printer initiates, on its own, another nozzle check and clean - the extensive check through the printer. This has happened multiple times. Whenever the nozzle check completes, I try to print an image. But when I do, the printer returns to the nozzle check/clean. On only one of seven or eight attempts to print, did the printer actually respond to that command, and print the image. And then returned to its obsessive behavior. I unplugged the printer, restarted the computer with the hopes that would break the cycle, but to no avail. Needless to say, I have been burning up the media, with little to show for it, but a bunch of test sheets in pretty colors, and a bucket of frustration.

    Thanks for reading and any help. I went to YT to see if there were any tutorials that might help. The only one that brought me any kind of solace was a guy who solved his chronic, and expensive, Epson 9000 series issues - with a ball peen hammer. I am not there yet. But it might be my next purchase.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by Deliberate1 View Post
    Friends, I am reaching out for help to return my beloved Epson 7800 to the land of the functioning. It has served me well for nearly 20 years, with no mechanical or software glitches of any kind. As a hobbyist, I print sporadically, and can go a great deal of time between jobs.

    I fired up the printer a couple days ago after a very long hiatus. It came as no surprise when the nozzle check demonstrated clogs. So I ran a couple cleaning cycles, which were partially effective. I ran the nozzle checks from both the PS printer driver, which gives you that one line of boxes with lines, and from the printer panel, which is a much more involved test. When I could not get a clean test, I did a manual nozzle cleaning which did seem to take care of all but one or two gaps.

    So, here is the issue. Once the printer completes a full nozzle test sequence, I try to then print an image through PS. But instead of printing the image, the printer initiates, on its own, another nozzle check and clean - the extensive check through the printer. This has happened multiple times. Whenever the nozzle check completes, I try to print an image. But when I do, the printer returns to the nozzle check/clean. On only one of seven or eight attempts to print, did the printer actually respond to that command, and print the image. And then returned to its obsessive behavior. I unplugged the printer, restarted the computer with the hopes that would break the cycle, but to no avail. Needless to say, I have been burning up the media, with little to show for it, but a bunch of test sheets in pretty colors, and a bucket of frustration.

    Thanks for reading and any help. I went to YT to see if there were any tutorials that might help. The only one that brought me any kind of solace was a guy who solved his chronic, and expensive, Epson 9000 series issues - with a ball peen hammer. I am not there yet. But it might be my next purchase.

    Try here for some really good cleaning and maintenance advice - You might need to buy some of their piezo cleaner - their methods work great.

    Original join date 2008...

  3. #3

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by bdkphoto View Post
    Try here for some really good cleaning and maintenance advice - You might need to buy some of their piezo cleaner - their methods work great.
    Thanks, mate. I actually visited their site today and viewed a head cleaning vid. I will revisit that link you sent.
    As I have been cogitating on this, I wonder if the printer is actually behaving as it should - initiating a check and clean if it detects some clogging. It is just that it has never acted autonomously like that in the 20 years I have owned the printer.

  4. #4

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    Mar 2022

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by Deliberate1 View Post
    Thanks, mate. I actually visited their site today and viewed a head cleaning vid. I will revisit that link you sent.
    As I have been cogitating on this, I wonder if the printer is actually behaving as it should - initiating a check and clean if it detects some clogging. It is just that it has never acted autonomously like that in the 20 years I have owned the printer.
    That was my thought as well.
    I've been using their cleaning methods for my 3880 - especially after it has sat idle for a period of time. Its important to clean the wiper, and capping station as well.

    Original join date 2008...

  5. #5

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by bdkphoto View Post
    That was my thought as well.
    I've been using their cleaning methods for my 3880 - especially after it has sat idle for a period of time. Its important to clean the wiper, and capping station as well.
    Bruce, thanks for your reply. I am not sure what the "wiper" is, but the vid from inkjetmall vid did demonstrate how to clean the capping station and the other small wire mesh covered box next to it, which I did.
    I am going to try another reboot of the printer and computer today. If that does not do it, I am considering a driver uninstall/reinstall. Does that sound logical? Again, the printer, in its current state is basically clog-free according to the printer-generated test sheets, of which I am on my way to cornering the market.


  6. #6

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    Mar 2022

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    This is the fluid I use to clean the 3880-,17397,16099

    This involves soaking a folded paper towel with the stuff under the print heads- I don't know how different the method is with a 7800 - I would take out the ink carts give them a gentle shake and re-install, I would delete the printer (I'm on a mac) and add the printer back in system preferences. The wiper is a small rubber thing next to the capping station (might be unique to my 3880). Nothing wrong with reinstalling the drivers either. I would unplug/replug the printer too. If none of this works you could check with Epson directly, or the folks at Inkjetmall - they have been incredibly helpful in the past.

    Original join date 2008...

  7. #7

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Quote Originally Posted by bdkphoto View Post
    This is the fluid I use to clean the 3880-,17397,16099

    This involves soaking a folded paper towel with the stuff under the print heads- I don't know how different the method is with a 7800 - I would take out the ink carts give them a gentle shake and re-install, I would delete the printer (I'm on a mac) and add the printer back in system preferences. The wiper is a small rubber thing next to the capping station (might be unique to my 3880). Nothing wrong with reinstalling the drivers either. I would unplug/replug the printer too. If none of this works you could check with Epson directly, or the folks at Inkjetmall - they have been incredibly helpful in the past.
    Bruce, the good news (great actually) is that I just got it sorted out. And it was as we suspected. I reinstalled the drivers, which did not solve the problem. As soon as I hit print, the printer went through the nozzle check sequence, which I stopped. Since it did not appear to be coming from the computer, out of frustrated curiosity, I went through each of the commands on the printer Menu panel. And sure enough, there was a setting for an auto nozzle check, and it was active. This is what caused the printer to go through that preliminary cycle every time the computer initiated a print job, with a clean as well. So I disabled that function, and, as they say, Bob's your uncle. I am, as I write, printing an image for an upcoming show.

    I can now stop my search for a new printer. And that is a relief. As I said, I bought the 7800 about 20 years ago, and it really has functioned flawlessly despite my neglect of it interspersed with fits of activity. No mechanical issues, no clogs that I could not clear, no software issues. My biggest concern is that the supply of available inks will dry up before this printer truly gives up. I have read reviews of the latest Epson large format printers which are uninspiring, along with checkered product support. In fact, I have a pal who bought a 7880 many years ago. He got a few prints out of it, died. Even the tech Epson sent could not fix it. And there it sits. If I were persuaded that the quality of prints was dramatically better than what I am getting with my old machine, I might move to a new Canon, but I have not seen evidence of that. Though I have not looked keenly, and may post a thread on this.

    A suggestion for you. I did the nozzle cleaning procedure you mention above. I used Windex because I do not have the time to waste with my prep for an upcoming show. I know that it has its detractors, but it did work with no apparent problem. But I did not use paper towels, but theses really nice Photex scanner wipes. They are extremely absorbent, leave no fibers behind and are designed to collect dust. Not cheap, but will likely outlast your printer.

    Bruce, appreciate your interest in my predicament and wish you many happy prints.


  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    Re: Epson 7800 - bizarre behavior

    Great that it was ultimately a simple albeit a frustrating solution! I've already invested in the Cone stuff, I have the piezo flush and I have converted over to the cone refillable inks for my work. Much more cost effective (and great inks that work with the Epson profiles) once you're up to speed with handling the refillable carts and the chip stuff. Bounty paper towels work perfectly with the cleaning fluid. The key with the Epson printers is simply to use them periodically- I spent the summer printing my current exhibition - Instead of letting it sit I used it once a month since - now that I have have quite a bit of printing to do for my clients I'm ready to go without issues.

    Original join date 2008...

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