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Thread: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

  1. #31
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    why they remove the price after an item is sold ?
    Good question. What is being covered up?

    I guess I'd not buy from them. Perhaps already on my ignore list anyway as I'm not seeing it much.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oren Grad View Post
    Current snapshot only - eBay deletes completed auctions after a relatively short period, I think it's 90 days now. ...<...>.
    IDK I figure if I am selling a 14" Verito today do I really care about too far back? maybe that's just me. I figure yesterday's gone .. I can't buy leaded gas for 65 cents, a pack of butts for 50 cents, a 3 penny nickel for a dollar or a Verito lens for 3bucks ..

  3. #33
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pieter View Post
    If the seller wishes to delete the asking price, that is his prerogative. There is no obligation to leave asking prices so someone else can later use the information for their own purposes. This forum is not a blue book of camera values.
    There are advantages for both the seller and buyer to eliminate the original price posted and the final sale prices:

    Sellers may drop their price let's say 25% in private negotiations for a specific item. If they have other things they're selling, other buyers will think they can also offer 25% less for the other items. A seller may get a reputation for inflating their original prices for other things later even if he doesn't.

    Buyers may become sellers of the same item if they decide not to keep it. They don't want the price they paid or originally advertised known.

  4. #34

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    Jan 2010

    Prices on For Sale forum, a suggestion

    I've noticed (since I am late to most For Sale posts due to geographical reasons) that, when an item is sold, the seller deletes de price.
    Just thought it would be a great to keep those prices online for future reference.

    I was recently wanting to buy a Fuji GA645 and was shocked to see how little they went for 10 years ago.
    Well, just a suggestion. Not sure where to post this.

    Happy rest of the week!

  5. #35
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    Threads merged.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    Apologies Oren, I didn’t see this thread before posting mine.
    I think of lfpf as a great source of knowledge. Price of products is in my opinion a great piece of information.

  7. #37
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    In my time here

    Prices of gear has varied greatly

    The value also varies

    Private sales are best

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramiro Elena View Post
    Apologies Oren, I didn’t see this thread before posting mine.
    I think of lfpf as a great source of knowledge. Price of products is in my opinion a great piece of information.
    Tin Can

  8. #38
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    I don't care if you delete the selling price of your filmholders or your 150mm Symmar-S. I do care if you delete prices of rare lenses. There are few non-paying ways to check prices of a lens that sells once every few years. Leaving the price up allows both the potential seller and potential buyer get a feeling for the value of the item.

  9. #39

    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrea Gazzoni View Post
    I don't understand why many people change their listing once the item is sold and delete the price.
    I mean, I used to look at the prices of things sold to get an idea. I simply don't get the reason one should delete the price.
    What's the general consensus?
    I don't either, what is the harm in marking the item as sold in big letters but leaving up the original asking price? That is what I do so others can glean what to sell or buy an item at to a certain degree.

  10. #40
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: why they remove the price after an item is sold ?

    In the days of old, at swap meets

    STUFF moved fast, often before the event opened

    only cash

    then resold maybe 3 times just after the early sale

    money men chained to cases of cash

    and guns

    here we are allowed to complain IF NEEDED

    stop whining
    Tin Can

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