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Thread: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

  1. #61
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Ho hum. You just reinforced my claim that D100 has an unswept curve favoring highlights. But you have to overexpose it rather badly to get it to shoulder off. Still, to gain as much of a usable semi-straight line as TMX100 has, you have to cut Delta's speed down to around 50 - a full extra stop more than TMX with its distinctly steeper toe.

    Yes, Pan F develops quite fast. But in both cases, Pan F as well as D100, a staining pyro developer like PMK does distinctly help recover more highlight gradation when silver printing than a common developer like ID-11 or D76 would. And frankly, I don't care for boring. I like life and sparkle with any film I use. But the whole point is to choose the correct film for the anticipated scene, or at least something versatile enough to likely work well.

  2. #62

    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmills View Post
    I stopped shooting just before COVID and sold off my lens and it seems during that time the cost of my beloved tri-x has doubled and the only other film I liked Panco 400 died. Been thinking about getting back into it but film costs right now... ugh... I tried HP5 15 years ago and I admit, I had no idea what I was doing then. Initially I found it to be really flat dynamically for my tastes, I know some people like it but I tend to shoot in the worst of lighting conditions, 3pm sun on a beach sort things and fear it will just be a flat washed out mess. I shot both tri-x 320 at 100 and Pancro 400 at 200 to get a little extra and was always happy with the results. At this point there seems to be nothing else but HP5 or maybe FP4 that's reasonably priced to shoot 500 sheets of. I attached a few of examples of the type of light I like to work in, could I come close with HP5?

    Tri-X 320, perfect dynamic rage for my tastes

    Attachment 247793 Attachment 247794 Attachment 247795

    Panro 400, flatter but in the right light still worked for me.

    Attachment 247796 Attachment 247797
    Gorgeous images.

  3. #63

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Back to the OP's question. after 25+ years, I switched from TXP320 to Ilford FP4+ in abut 2010. I found that the ~1 stop EI difference (from 160 to 80 in my case) was not significant. And that the combination of FP4+ and Pyrocat developer is a real winner. It gives me beautiful tonality, finer grain (although you have to look carefully), and good highlight separation without any hassles.
    I've read through the discussions on this thread, and I'll suggest that the OP should go make some tests; what happens out under the sky is what counts in the end.
    It won't be that difficult to find a pleasing result.

  4. #64
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    He's dealing with potential subject movement where even a stop faster film speed might give him an advantage in 8x10 work, much like wind conditions involve.

  5. #65

    Join Date
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    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    That's certainly true- but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

  6. #66

    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sampson View Post
    It won't be that difficult to find a pleasing result.
    This ^^^ is absolutely right. People invent complexity where there really isn’t any.

  7. #67
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    All depends. I recently had to put up with howling wind for several months on end, not just in March like usual. Got a lucky break on last week's trip, with very little wind the whole time. Then it started up again here on the coast. But my trip did include an impromptu enviro portrait session outdoors - got hired on the spot by someone approaching me when I was photographing an old building with the 4x5. Wind could have been a real problem in that case too, since I was only toting 100 speed film.

  8. #68

    Join Date
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    Montreal, Canada

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Drew, you should get one of those fancy Canon or Nikon digital cameras for when it’s windy. You can shoot at ISO 320,000.

  9. #69
    Beverly Hills, California
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    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    Under economic duress, I sold my entire frozen stockpile of 4x5 and 8x10 TXP 320 on Ebay last year for a nice discount. I made photographers around the world happy . TXP320 IS a special film, like Plus X.
    If one has the funds (and economic stability) it's worth the increased price even to get yourself a 5 or 7 cubic foot freezer at Lowes or Home Depot and stockpile the stuff now.
    TXP320 is not completely discontinued yet.

  10. #70
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: 8x10 shooters, can HP5 come close to Tri-X 320?

    What I paid for a large freezer was considerably less than a single box of 8X10 color film costs today.

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