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Thread: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

  1. #1

    Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    I've been using Ilford Bromophen to develop paper for many years. It's just fine. I came across Photographers' Formulary BW-65. Has anyone tried BW-65? How does it compare to Bromophen? Will I notice the difference?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    You’re not missing anything.

    Is BW-65 even made anymore?

  3. #3

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    According to B&H's website, BW-65 is still available. Thanks for your comment.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    Never having noticed BW-65 before, I took a look at the Formulary's site. It's not listed there.
    I've been using their Liquidol with good results for the last five years or so. I haven't done any paper developer comparisons in probably 25 years, so I don't know how it would compare with Bromophen. But if that's what you like, stick with it.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Canmore Alberta

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    I used BW65 (pre-covid) when i used to travel through Montana and was able to stop and pick it up. It was my day to day developer (i saved 130 for exhibition prints). It came in 2 x 1 gal containers. I used it instead of Ilford Multigrade. I got good results and it was convenient to use. I no longer see it listed in the Formulary catalog.
    Last edited by Greg Y; 3-Apr-2024 at 10:51.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Big Canoe, GA

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    Sometimes a call to PF will determine if they can mix some up or not. They may be scaling back on things that dont sell well so they don't expire on the shelf.
    The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    BW-65 is a glycin developer. Glycin is rumored to give a certain "glow" to highlights. I found it to just be a subtle coloration of the emulsion that showed in the whiter areas of the print. I liked it alright, but for some reason the BW-65 altered the way my prints selenium toned.

    I'm now back to very clean whites and selenium toning (Bergger NB and MG Classic FB usually) and developing with ID-62, which is, essentially, Bromophen, a PQ developer that delivers very clean whites.



  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    I guess Bromophen is as good as it gets. It's my standard developer, very robust, offering great tonality: Ilford MG RC 5th gen (slightly warm tones, great visual DMAX), Fomabrom FB graded (beautiful paper), and ADOX Vario Classic / Fotokemika Varycon (I still have some left).
    Linhof Kardan re

  9. #9
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    I don't see it on their current listing. I tried BW-65 once long ago and it was a fine convenience product. According to them, it was a unique formula designed to reasonably mimic the image tone of amidol developers on graded bromide papers of the time like Seagull G, and I found that to be true. It didn't itself contain any amidol. But it was cheaper just to mix real amidol as needed. I've never tried Bromophen.

  10. #10

    Re: Photographers' Formulary BW-65 vs. Bromophen

    Thank you to everyone.


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