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Thread: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by alex.starbuck View Post
    Hi all,

    I’m about to jump head first into large format photography and so I’m trying to finesse my first kit. Since I’m interested in 3 possibly unrelated photography styles, I need to leave myself lots of flexibility.

    “Regular” 4x5 bw work;
    6x17 panoramics;

    I have the option for a free 4x5 camera, I just need to get a lens and some film carriers. Camera is very good and I feel would more than suffice for all above purposes. Roll film and tintypes I’d of course, scan but 4x5 I wish to print.

    Space and money comes at a premium so a small solution like the Intrepid 4x5 kit looks very appealing…. Any experiences or recommendations there?

    I could use my camera and lens, fit it with their light and it’s off to the races.

    I’d love to be able to make fiber based prints, upt to a max size of 50x60 cm (like… 20x30 in?).

    Many thanks in advance for all the replies!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    hi alex.starbuck

    while I haven't any experience using that specific enlarger, when I went to google and watched a video of Martin Henson using it
    ( )
    it looks like the new version of the graflarger back ( maybe I was looking at the wrong thing? ).
    I had one of those graflarger backs and used it a bit ... and it worked OK for what it was. The problem using a camera as an enlarger is
    sometimes there is camera-shake, which can be a pain in the neck. Im not sure how that equates / works with making large ( 20x30 ) prints,
    but it is something to think about ... have fun with your projects!

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    The best way to search this forum is to use the "Google Site Search" button in the title bar. This will link you to Google, and you input your search request in the square brackets []. All the usual Google search features work. As an example, I input "Intrepid Enlarger" in quotation marks, so it searches for items on this site that contain both words together. Here is the result.

    This gives you many links to threads in this forum discussing the Intrepid enlarger. The built-in forum software is very poor for searching, so is usually a waste of time.
    Repenting Sinar Blasphemer ... stonings at 11

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by alex.starbuck View Post
    Amoore, thanks, this is very reassuring . Basically, I get a darkroom printer and a film scanner in one package AND it's all small. So, you think I should go for a 135 enlarger lens instead of a 150 camera (shooting) lens? Because, the plan was to get a Fujinon 150, to see if I like this whole affair... and use that one for printing.

    Also, I see that Intrepid suggests printing up to 20x24 inches, not larger. Does this mean that this kit cannot print larger (say, by wall projection) or they simply do not recommend it? Considering my skill level and the cost of materials, I doubt I will ever attempt larger prints but just asking.
    Can you even buy cut paper larger than 20x24? If not, you will have to use roll paper and cut it yourself. Expensive.

  4. #14

    Join Date
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    Purcellville, VA

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    You mention that space and money are at a premium. Fiber paper is not cheap, and processing 20x30 prints can present significant challenges.

    I would first calculate very carefully respecting large prints, especially for wall projection. Your parallelism will have to be excellent; your paper nice and flat, and the light from the Intrepid LED source will have to be sufficient to allow workable times. This may be one reason for their recommendation of limiting prints to 20x24. It is also the case that you might find increased illumination fall-off toward the edges with a 135 in comparison with a 150. Others can offer personal experience form making such large prints; I have not made larger than 16x20s.
    Philip Ulanowsky

    Sine scientia ars nihil est. (Without science/knowledge, art is nothing.)

  5. #15

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    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulophot View Post
    You mention that space and money are at a premium. Fiber paper is not cheap
    Years ago I used to make 30x40 inch Ektacolor and FB B&W prints. I was actually able to use a vertical enlarger for floor projection. It gets expensive very quickly. Made lots of 8x10 or smaller test strips before making the first full size print. When I first had access to an Epson Wide Format printer, I got spoiled really quickly and never looked back. Mostly because of the cost of the materials. Being able to easily print without the help of a second person came a close second. Although I could see the difference in the final prints, very few others could including other photographers.

  6. #16

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    For large prints, stopped down -- for whatever reason -- you need a lot of light and/or long exposure times. And with long exposure times you can run into RECIPROCITY FAILURE. I've done twenty minute exposures.

  7. #17

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    Jul 2023

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    The amount of distortion depends on the diopter strength, the quality of the CU lens, and the aperture used. So basically there is no noticeable distortion for a #1 good quality CU lens stopped down two f-stops:

    A #1 CU lens on a 150mm creates a 130mm lens -- no change in f-stop.

    Here is a high quality Minolta #1 CU lens on a Fujinon 135mm f5.6 enlarging lens -- producing a 119mm f5.6 lens:

    Attachment 245375

    FYI, you can do the same thing to "taking" lenses, projection lenses, etc.
    those diopters are supposed to ENLARGE the image when used on a normal camera lens. Its been considered normal for the lower quality diopter adapters to cause optical issues on the outer 1/3rd of the image. SO im really curious as im only using 50-100mm lenses on my enlarger

  8. #18

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemada View Post
    those diopters are supposed to ENLARGE the image when used on a normal camera lens. Its been considered normal for the lower quality diopter adapters to cause optical issues on the outer 1/3rd of the image. SO im really curious as im only using 50-100mm lenses on my enlarger
    I guess you must have been out sick the day Gullstrand's equation was discussed in class. Here's the Cliff's Notes version of what you missed:

    While most people think of close-up lenses strictly for use in close-up photography, they actually have other good uses -- especially if you are using a camera with a bellows. Since the close-up lens shortens the focal length of the lens to which it is attached, it can be used to shorten the focal length of lenses on cameras with flexible bellows. The image will need to be refocused to the distance desired, but with a flexible bellows, focusing to infinity is usually very easy -- even though you are using a close-up lens! The formula and chart below show some of the possibilities with various lenses and close-up lens additions.


    Gullstrand's Equation

    X = 1000 / ((1000 / Y) + Z)


    Y = the original (or starting) focal length in mm (in green)

    Z = the diopter (not the focal length) of the close-up lens to be used (in yellow)

    X = the new (or adjusted) focal length in mm (in blue)

    Some examples are:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	close-up.jpg 
Views:	14 
Size:	89.4 KB 
ID:	245392

  9. #19

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemada View Post
    those diopters are supposed to ENLARGE the image when used on a normal camera lens. Its been considered normal for the lower quality diopter adapters to cause optical issues on the outer 1/3rd of the image. SO im really curious as im only using 50-100mm lenses on my enlarger
    The image is enlarged (AKA, magnified) because the focal length of the lens is shortened, but the amount of extension remains the same. And that's what happens when a CU lens is put on an enlarger (or projector) -- the projected image is enlarged. The distance between the enlarger (or the projector) and the paper (or screen) is shortened.

    And as to the quality of the results, as mentioned in Post #10 -- The amount of distortion depends on the diopter strength, the quality of the CU lens, and the aperture used. So basically there is no noticeable distortion for a #1 good quality CU lens stopped down two f-stops:

    I have an idea -- read what's on the link.

  10. #20
    Tim Meisburger's Avatar
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    Falls Church, Va.

    Re: Intrepid 4x5 enlarger worth it? Any experiences?

    I use one. I was overseas for thirty years and didn't have any access to an enlarger, so on a trip to the US I bought an old Graflarger and used that up til a year or so ago, when I bought the intrepid. I've been back in the US for a few years, but only recently had the chance to set up a little darkroom. I bought a medium format enlarger that I planned to convert to 4x5, but even that was too big for my small space, so reverted to the graflarger with an old Crown Graphic mounted on shelf supports. When I learned about the Intrepid, I thought that would be an easy replacement for the graflarger, then I found a copy stand that fit the space to replace the shelf supports. I used to print fairly large with the graflarger from time to time by shifting my table and putting the easel on the floor or a bench, and I'm sure I could do the same with the Intrepid. I like the built in timer and filters, although I still use a metronome for test strips and dodging and burning.

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