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Thread: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Who is currently making 8x10 B&W sheet film?

    I have seen Ilford, Kodak, Foma, Arista, Bergger, Cat Labs (apparently Shanghai?) Rollei and Adox(although I haven't found an importer currently offering Adox emulsions in the US.)
    Are there any brands, other than x-ray films, which should be on this list?

    My thoughts on what's out there:
    Ilford---excellent and very forgivable. FP-4+ and HP-5+ I consider my "gold standards."
    Kodak--priced well out of my league. I haven't shot any Kodak sheet film in years so I can't comment, but I sure liked my TMY back in the day.
    Foma--Good. Easy to work with
    Arista--mostly rebadged Foma, as well as some proprietary ortho graphic arts emulsions which currently won't fit into 8x10 film holders without trimming, according to Freestyle.
    Bergger---very nice.
    Cat-Labs---I haven't tried this one. It either is or isn't Shanghai. Any ideas?
    Rollei----I haven't tried this one either.
    Adox----This one sure impressed me back when it was being imported.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    I'm working through some boxes of Shanghai GP3 100, I've used it in 4x5 and 5x7 as well. It's cheap! Some of the sheets aren't cut cleanly or are crooked, very occasionally a sheet is too big or small to fit the holder. Other than that it's cheap! I'm still learning, so am never sure whether defects are the cause of my handing or from manufacture, but hey it's cheap!

    If I had to choose between Shanghai or Fomapan 100 I'd probably choose Fomapan, but Fomapan's green dye gets into my stop and fixer and annoys me: Shanghai doesn't have much colour dye come out.

    If I wasn't concerned with cost I'd be using ILFORD film. I have a 25 sheet box of HP5 that I've used for just 2 sheets, I'm saving the rest for when the Shanghai is gone. By then my processing will be worthy.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Kodak films are just too expensive nowadays for my budget. I shot a LOT of 8x10 Tri-X back in the days when it was $50 for a 50-sheet box. Can you imagine? Ilford films have gotten pretty pricey now, too, but I still shoot FP-4+ some. I've been using 8x10 Foma 100 for years and it has served me well. I buy multiple boxes from fotoimpex and even with the DHL Express shipping it works out to be significantly cheaper vs buying here in the states.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Holiday greetings to all!

    I've used Foma 100 - like the tones - bought a couple of boxes of Foma 400 to try.
    Issue - I don't like with that film is little imperfections (occasionally) in the emulsion & the sheets float in the holder or are not cut strait?

    Going through a box of tmax100 5x7 presently. Will prob not get another due to the cost.

    My standard film is HP5. Love it no complaints.
    Use FP4 when I need a slower speed.
    Ilford makes good products!

  5. #5

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    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kasaian View Post
    Who is currently making 8x10 B&W sheet film?

    I have seen Ilford, Kodak, Foma, Arista, Bergger, Cat Labs (apparently Shanghai?) Rollei and Adox(although I haven't found an importer currently offering Adox emulsions in the US.)
    Are there any brands, other than x-ray films, which should be on this list?

    My thoughts on what's out there:
    Ilford---excellent and very forgivable. FP-4+ and HP-5+ I consider my "gold standards."
    Kodak--priced well out of my league. I haven't shot any Kodak sheet film in years so I can't comment, but I sure liked my TMY back in the day.
    Foma--Good. Easy to work with
    Arista--mostly rebadged Foma, as well as some proprietary ortho graphic arts emulsions which currently won't fit into 8x10 film holders without trimming, according to Freestyle.
    Bergger---very nice.
    Cat-Labs---I haven't tried this one. It either is or isn't Shanghai. Any ideas?
    Rollei----I haven't tried this one either.
    Adox----This one sure impressed me back when it was being imported.
    - FP4+ is my personal favorite; easy to manipulate, and ideal for making salted paper prints from. I have several boxes cached, but now that it has exceeded $200 per 25 sheets I may not buy it as often.
    - Kodak's offerings are absurdly expensive, and I haven't bought any in over 5 years. At those prices, I never will again. There's no compelling reason to choose TMY or Tri-X over FP4+
    - I recently bought some Fomapan 100 and have been very pleased with the results. I see no reason not to buy again.
    - Sadly, Bergger Pancro 400 may be extinct. It hasn't been available here in the US in 3 years, and Bergger's own web site has listed all sheet film sizes as "out of stock" for at least 2.5 years. It is my understanding that Inoviscoat produces it for Bergger, but why there have been no sheet sizes available for three years (or more) is a mystery, and Bergger ain't saying: all emails sent to Bergger over the past 2 years to inquire about availability of Pancro 400 sheets have gone unanswered.
    - Adox CHS 100 II is beautiful film. For my work habits, I find it works best rated at 40 ASA and developed accordingly. If I could buy it in 8x10 here in the US, I would.
    Last edited by paulbarden; 24-Dec-2023 at 14:44.

  6. #6
    Drew Wiley
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    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    I have enough of the "right stuff" stored in the freezer (8X10 TMY and TMX) to probably last me till I'm in my 80's. My budget choice was FP4, a fine product unless its windy or especially contrasty; but I once used a lot of HP5 at one time, and experimented with numerous other films. The linearity of Bergger 200 was wonderful when it was around. Now TMax gives me that extra edge.

  7. #7

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    Elko, Nevada

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    I love TMX100 when I feel flush. It is almost always on my Christmas and Birthday lists.

    But the rest of the time it is Ilford HP5+ which I have stored up over the years.

    When that runs out I'll be back to the Fomapan films.

    Never tried the rest though I am thinking of buying a box of Adox CMS 20.

    Right now I'm flush.
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  8. #8

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    West Coast

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Quote Originally Posted by AuditorOne View Post
    Never tried the rest though I am thinking of buying a box of Adox CMS 20.
    I've only used CMS 20 in 35mm, and it has amazing resolution. However, it is barely a "continuous tone" film, and only when processed in an appropriate developer. I've made POTA for it and Anchell & Troop's TDLC-103, and dilute PMK (also suggested in Anchell & Troop's book) and the TDLC-103 was better at delivering reasonably broad-toned negatives. Adotech is definitely a better developer for it. I compare it to Kodak's old Tech Pan, which is equally difficult to develop to get a good range of values.
    Because of its limited tonal scale I found it difficult to squeeze a good image out of and so I doubt I will use it again. YMMV of course.

  9. #9

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    San Clemente, California

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    Quote Originally Posted by paulbarden View Post
    ...Sadly, Bergger Pancro 400 may be extinct. It hasn't been available here in the US in 3 years, and Bergger's own web site has listed all sheet film sizes as "out of stock" for at least 2.5 years. It is my understanding that Harman produces it for Bergger, and it may be that Harman is now too busy with their own brands to take on work for others, like Bergger...
    Nope. HARMAN makes Bergger paper, but it's never been involved with PANCRO 400. The latter was coated by then-Inoviscoat.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenbank, WA

    Re: Let's talk 8x10 B&W Film brands and musings.

    I tried Shanghai. First box didn't have any index cut to tell you which side was which. Also, small (smaller than "pin holes") clear spots on every sheet. Sometimes 25+ per sheet.

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