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Thread: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

  1. #1
    Memento Mori
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    California USA for now

    Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Any suggestions for lenses equivalent to the AE178? I’m looking for the fast/shallow dof stuff. I use a Speed graphic with focal plane shutter, so barrel will work. Quirky is fine, under $500, please
    Veni Vedi Vici

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    buhl projector lenses. the 2.5 versions have gotten pricey and hard to find, but still a better deal than an aero ektar, and the slower versions are nice and cheap and even fit in a closed speed graphic.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Melbourne, Australia

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Dallmeyer 8" f2.9 Pentac would fit the bill.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    California USA for now

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Thank you!
    Veni Vedi Vici

  5. #5
    Memento Mori
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    California USA for now

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Thanks, I’ll look around.
    Veni Vedi Vici

  6. #6
    Embdude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    The following lenses are available in varying sizes between 150mm-400mm:

    1.2 Fujinon Projection Lens (145mm)
    1.8 Zeiss Ernostar
    1.8 Astro-Berlin Pan Tachar
    2.0 Taylor Hobson Cooke Series O
    2.0 Schneider-Göttingen Xenon (125mm)
    2.5 Leitz Hecktor
    2.5 Taylor Hobson Cooke Speedic Series X
    2.5 KOMZ Uran
    2.5 Clave Paris Nocton
    2.5 Kinoptik Foyer
    2.7 Zeiss Tessar
    2.7 Ernemann Anastigmat Ernostar
    2.8 Zeiss Biotessar
    2.8 Schneider Xenotar
    2.8 Komura
    2.9 Dallmeyer Pentac
    2.9 Plaubel Anticomar
    2.9 Ross XPRES
    3.0 LOMO OKP
    3.1 Cooke Portrait Series I
    3.1 Emil Busch Glaukar
    3.5 Schneider Aero-Xenar
    3.5 Schneider Xenar
    3.5 Schneider Xenar Type D
    3.5 Schneider Xenoplan
    3.5 Zeiss Tessar
    3.5 C Friederich Doppelanastigmat Coronar
    3.5 Wollensak Varium
    3.5 C.P. Goerz Hypar
    3.5 Hugo Meyer Trioplan
    3.5 Steinheil Cessar Anastigmat
    3.5 G. Rodenstock Dopple Anastigmat Euryner
    3.5 Taylor Hobson Cooke 'Knuckler'
    3.5 Berthiot Stellor No.3 Serie 1a
    3.5 OIP Gand 'LABOR'
    3.5 Dallmeyer Dalmac
    3.5 Voigtlander Color Skopar
    3.5 Ilex Seminat
    3.8 Wollensak Vitax
    3.8 Ilex-Acme Portrait
    3.8 Graf Variable Anastigmat

    Some are rather obscure (ie. Xenoplan) and some are generally expensive (ie. Ernostar) but bargains can be found with patience.

    Older -All manner of fast projector lenses from Schneider, Leitz, Fuji, Buhl, Bessler, B&L etc...
    Newer - LCD Projection lenses mostly Japan, Korea, and Russia some German names but likely still made in Asia...

    Other sources of fast lenses: Surplus Shed, photocopier lenses, projection tv lenses...
    Last edited by Embdude; 9-Dec-2023 at 00:45. Reason: added a few more...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Buhl Projector Lens

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Seattle area, WA

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Carl Zeiss Jena 250mm 3.5 Tessars. Most of the ones I've seen have the red "T" meaning they are coated. A bit slower than an Aero Ektar but also a tad longer so overall DOF is comparable.

  9. #9
    Embdude's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    This is a good place to find fast LF glass:

    They have a 200 f2.9 Pentac:
    Last edited by Embdude; 9-Dec-2023 at 01:02.

  10. #10
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: Good equivalent of the now pricey Aero Ektar 178 2.5?

    Another possible option. Perhaps. Put a +3 diopter on an f/4.5 300mm lens. That would give you (approximately) a 160mm f/2.3. There might be some aberrations, but they might be interesting.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

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