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Thread: Fresnel

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Washington State


    I have a Chamonix 45F2 that I really like. However I was wondering if there is a source for a brighter focusing screen that would fit the camera with out any modifications.
    I had a Wista DX back in the 80’s and 90’s that seemed brighter.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Fresnel

    Yes, the Wista is brighter. In fact, the brightest of them all, up to 1.5 stop. But I believe it is a combination of fresnel and ground glass, much like in a 135-camera from the 80'. Also, the reflection is quite a bit less.

    It's my understanding that the fresnel comes in different flavours. One is good for normal lens with normal viewing distance, while others are better for wide angle. A Wista will not accommodate a super wide angle, I presume it's not the best for shortest focal lengths, 35, 45, 55, etc

    I have at times removed the fresnel and have flimsy one I can put in when I need one, but I put the original back.

    A new Wista fresnel is $310 and should not be modified or cut if you choose to try to replace the old one.

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  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Fresnel

    There are several companies that sell/sold BRIGHT screens under various brands, such as Beattie INTENSCREEN. I never seen a list of all the brands, but there might be on on this FORUM or on the WEB. You can also SEARCH this FORUM (upper right-hand corner of this screen) for "BRIGHT FRESNEL" or something like that, for previous discussions.

    Some people love them, some people don't. Some are offered in different "focal lengths", others are just for general use.

    The trick is to get one that has instructions pertaining to your camera -- so that when you add it to your camera, you don't throw the focal point off.

    Here's some of what's on EBAY right now. Keep in mind that your camera might not be listed, so you need to take measurements.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: Fresnel

    Quote Originally Posted by HughC View Post
    I have a Chamonix 45F2 that I really like. However I was wondering if there is a source for a brighter focusing screen that would fit the camera with out any modifications.
    I had a Wista DX back in the 80’s and 90’s that seemed brighter.


    The Chaonix 45F-2 comes standard with a Fresnel screen that is also marked for the camera's asymmetrical tilts. I would not change it or modify it. It is very close to the brightest screen you can get anyway. You certainly don't want to try to put a Wista screen on it.

    If you're having problems with brightness, it's likely due to other things: lighting of the subject, lens maximum aperture, inadequate (or no) dark cloth, etc., etc.

    Chamonix screens are very good, from what I hear.



  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2023
    Washington State

    Re: Fresnel

    Thanks Doremus, you are right on all counts. Will not change a thing.
    Checked out your website, very nice. What types of B&W film do you use.



  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Oregon now (formerly Austria)

    Re: Fresnel

    Quote Originally Posted by HughC View Post
    Thanks Doremus, you are right on all counts. Will not change a thing.
    Checked out your website, very nice. What types of B&W film do you use.


    Thanks for the kind words about my website. I really need to update it a bit, though.

    Asking about equipment, etc. always seems kind of like asking writers which word-processing program they use. However, maybe film choice does make more of a difference in the final print

    I primarily use 320Tri-X and TMY-2 (Tmax 400). I've used TMX (Tmax 100 a bit in the past as well as the now-defunct Bergger 200). These latter got used less simply because they are slower and my style of photographing meshes better with faster films (subject movement, long exposures, etc.). I keep coming back to 320Tri-X because I really like the characteristics; the longer toe allows me some creative leeway with the shadows. Exposing "normally" gives me lots of detail, but with less separation in the shadows. If I intentionally overexpose and move the shadows up farther onto the straight-line portion of the curve, then I can print through the extra detail and get crisp shadow separation that goes rather quickly to black. TMY is kind of this way by nature, but I like the highlight rendering very well.

    I haven't spent much time with other films because I have these dialed-in and am really comfortable and confident using them. I'm sure I could get along with others as well, but don't see the need at the moment.



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