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Thread: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    I’m working on getting together a gathering of photographers of all types! It doesn’t matter if you shoot digital or film your welcome to come! Meet some new people and possibly see some old friends you haven’t seen in a while!!!

    We will be exploring the following areas:

    Owens Valley
    Lone Pine
    Bodie Ghost Town
    Alabama Hills
    Mt. Whitney
    Convict Lake
    Mammoth Mountain area
    Bristle Cone Pine Ancient Forest

    Not in this particular order of course just to give you a general idea of what we will be doing!

    This is a FREE gathering except for you will have to cover your cost to get there and around the areas we will explore!

    I think it would be nice to have some people to car pool to save money for everyone especially with gas prices being so high right now but hopefully prices will go down by this time!

    We do have an option for renting a cabin at convict lake that can hold up to 35 people if people are interested in doing that! We could use it for a big dinner and maybe some exchanges of ideas or doing some presentations on different alternative processes???

    I’m working on some special guests as well but nothing has been set in stone as of yet!!!

    If you are new to film photography or you use a digital camera but always wanted to learn or see large format or ultra large format photographers then you’re more than welcome to come join the group!

    I will be bringing my F&S 12x20 along with a few other large format cameras!!!

    I’m currently working on some new images with my Century Studio 8x10!

    If I can maybe I will bring it with me so we can do some portraits of the participants???

    I’m also working on some ultra large format as well….

    Please send me a message or post a reply on here…

    Dates are to be determined and I might be going to Yosemite before the workshop/gathering….

    Thanks and I hope everyone is doing well!!!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    Here’s an update on the dates of the gathering/workshop

    I’m going to be in Yosemite National Park starting October 5,6,7 and leaving October 8th to head to Virginia Creek Settlement! Should arrive around 12pm or earlier depending upon weather and if I decide to stop to do some photography….

    The gathering will be the following dates October 9-12! That’s four days of photography and meetups!

    I have not worked out a schedule yet but I’m working on it… best light is early in the morning and later in the afternoon at Bodie!

    I’m going to post links to the places where we will stay and places where we can all go as a group or individually!

    I’m also thinking of Aspen Campground as a group place to do some photography!

    I know that the Aspens should have some amazing colors at that time of the year!


    I’m not sure if Mammoth Mountain area has an actual website so maybe someone else could chime in and post a link???

    I have been there a few times but it was only to mammoth lake!

    I know that you don’t particularly need a 4 wheel drive vehicle but driving to Bodie the road is a little rough unless they have paved it all the way to the actual town???

    You can come every day or just a few it’s up to you!

    The closer it gets to the dates and from time to time I will post any updates that I have…

    Let’s us all have a great time and enjoy some photography with others! Meet some new people and make some friends!

    I would love to continue doing this every year if at all possible!

    Per Volquartz started this years ago and we all always had a great time!!!

    If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to send me a PM!

    I’m going to bring my Jumbo Harrison tent for others to use for loading and unloading sheet film… I will also bring my Ilford POPUP Darkroom Tent….

    Wet plate photographers or any others are welcome to come!!!

    Thanks for your interest


  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    Forgot to add this

    October 2023! Not 2022!

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    An update for everyone!

    I hope everyone had a great time with their family and friends for the holidays and a safe new year!!!

    I’m currently working on a schedule and map to the places we are going to be photographing….this is going to take me a little time… but I will email it to everyone once you have provided me with your email address for those of you who are going to attend….

    If your going to be in Yosemite like I will be on October 5-8 I will be camping either at Lower Pines, Upper Pines or Camp 4 but I have to wait to make the reservations in a few months…Camp 4 is a first come first serve campground…. So more than likely one of the other campgrounds is where my group will be staying…. I’m trying to get a big enough campsite to accommodate more tents but I have to follow the rules of the park…. I believe four tents might be the max… not sure 100%

    I will have at least four people in my party…. I already reserved a spot at Virginia Creek Settlement for my group!

    Everyone is responsible for their own reservations so if you’re going to make it please do so early…. There are plenty of other places to stay nearby in Bridgeport,Ca and camping located close by as well…

    I’m still thinking that Convict Lake will be the last place we all meet at… I’m still trying to rent a cabin so we all can meet up for a dinner together… most likely will be Friday 13th, October 2023!!! If I’m able to rent a big enough cabin for everyone the price will need to be split between everyone who stays at this cabin…. Everyone can check the links in the above post to see the cost of renting a cabin at Convict Lake….

    At Virginia Creek Settlement they have an upstairs family area for gatherings at night which I’m going to be arranging for print sharing and discussions…

    Everyone please read the following about Virginia Creek Rules: just click on the link:

    I want everyone to have a great experience and enjoy making images they can be proud of…please ask any questions you may have….

    Send me a PM with any questions or concerns….

    I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people…

    I will add updates as I can…

    Take care!


  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    Interested...will PM you soon!

    BTW...I hooked up with Per V's group in Zion in 2004 - had a great time!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Eastern Sierra

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    You might find these two websites helpful in addition to what you have. I will be returning from a photo event in the Southwest around this time but will try to show up...I will PM you.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    Another update:

    I hope everyone is doing well…. Here is a tentative schedule for this gathering…… If your going to attend this please send me a PM!

    Here is the tentative schedule:

    October 5-8 leaving on October 8th, I will be in Yosemite for a few days at Upper Pines Campground site 187…I can accommodate at least 6 people at my campsite…. Look for me there I’ll be the one with a Army hat on!!! If I’m not at my campsite leave a note on my tent it will have a small American flag on it….. I usually get up early to get something to eat for breakfast in Curry Village… they have an all you can eat buffet so I might go there to get a good meal before I head out to do some photography in the valley… Best light is the first light in the morning….. and late light in the afternoon into the evening before sunset…. I might if at all possible go up Half Dome one of those days if the cables are up to do some photography!!! Otherwise I will be in the valley photographing El Capitan, Half Dome from the ground and etc….

    Cell service is not great within the valley but ( PM me for my cell phone number if your going to attend) If you can’t reach me leave a voicemail or send me a text…. If you do text me and I’m lucky enough to get it in the valley I will respond but please let me know who you are because I just like everyone else get a lot of scam texts and phone calls…. Please put in the text Owens Valley 2023 so I know its legit and I don’t accidentally block your number….

    The initial workshop meeting will be October 8th at Virginia Creek Settlement I should arrive between 1-3 pm but officially doesn’t start until October 9th through October 12th, leaving October 13th which is a Friday… its possible I could stay longer through the following weekend but that will depend upon weather and what I might photograph along the way….

    First meetup will be at Virginia Creek Settlement on October 9th between 7 and 8am on Hwy 395! Otherwise we can meet up at Bodie at 9am… If your coming from the South like from LA then it will be on your left hand side a mile from the Bodie Ghost Town exit to Hwy 270!

    If your coming from the north along hwy 395, it will be on your right hand side just look for the windmill!!!

    First place we are going to will be Bodie Ghost Town a mile from Virginia Creek Settlement on Hwy 270! The park hours are 9 am to 4pm (possibly 8am to 5pm during October) look for the signs… Hwy 270 will be on your left as your driving south on Hwy 395!!! Hwy 270 is a rough road as you get closer to Bodie! Please drive with caution…

    We will be going there for two days October 9th and 10th….

    Our next stop will be Mono Lake on the way south towards Lee Vinning on HWY 395…. There are limestone Tufa’s there and some beautiful scenery to photograph…. would make great panoramic photographs….especially with a 12x20!

    Mono lake is an amazing place to visit this salty lake but please beware of the insects they thrive there!

    Be sure to stop by Schat’s Bakery in Bishop before heading towards Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest amazing sandwiches!

    763 N. Main Street Bishop,Ca

    They’re open from 6am to 6pm everyday!

    After Mono Lake we head back down on 395 towards Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest with stops along the way to June Lake Loop (weather permitting) there are some Aspens in the area…. Great fall colors hopefully…

    Mammoth Mountains area,Convict Lake and of course Manzanar Historic Site is all along the way south towards Lone Pine which would be our next major photographic spot at Alabama Hills with Mt. Whitney in the background great first light opportunity to photograph it…. When the sun rises from the east it lights up Mt. Whitney early in the morning! Its an amazing sight to behold not only with your eyes but to be able to capture it on a sheet of film….

    Be aware of bears in the Mammoth lakes area I have seen them before over the years across from the McDonald’s…. yes even in October!!!

    Drive carefully on 395! There are deer that have been known to cross it and ran into cars and such…..

    Please remember to have some emergency supplies such as food, water, flashlights with extra batteries emergency blankets and etc…. It is always best to be safe and have a backup plan in case of an emergency!!! Most importantly have a spare gas tank handy!!! At least 5 gallons….

    I am looking forward to seeing old faces and meeting new ones at this gathering!!!

    There will be more that I will host including going to Tonopah,NV, Grand Canyon, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve, Yosemite, Redwoods, Death Valley, *Joshua Tree (*February or March of 2024), Zion, Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham,Alabama…. Many more national and state parks as well as some Lighthouse gatherings along the California Coast, Possibly in Maine on the East Coast as well….

    All of these gatherings are free except for what it costs each individual to get there…. Donations are welcomed but not required to attend these gatherings…. Car pooling are great so it saves money for everyone… contact me directly if you might need a ride to this workshop or post it on the forum post I have… PM’s are also another way to communicate with me privately…


  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    I wanted to put this out there so everyone knows….

    We will not have access to a darkroom unless someone in the area has one and they are willing to let us use??? If anyone wants to process film or make prints it will be their responsibility to know the rules and regulations about chemicals used and transported in the area…

    We can do a discussion on prints that people want to bring to share with the group!

    We might have a wet plate photographer(s) but I’m still waiting on confirmation from them….

    If anyone wants to process their film remember it will belong to those individuals who want to do that!!!

    This gathering is for everyone to get together share ideas, show off their cameras and be around others who enjoy the love of photography no matter if its film, hybrid or any other form….

    Too meet others who have the same disease ( G.A.S) gear acquisition syndrome!

    It is also a great way to share with other photographers who do not shoot large format at all but always wanted too see what its like to do this….

    Maybe the following year we can do some film processing and or printing…. hopefully someone who lives in the area between Bridgeport and Lone Pine will hear about this that has a darkroom or facilities for such an endeavor….

    If anyone has any questions please send me a PM….

    Thanks Ted


    Also I will be bringing my Ilford POPUP Tent along with my Jumbo Harrison Tent so others can use it to transfer exposed film to light tight boxes…. I have a 4ft table for the popup and the other can be placed on a table inside or outside weather permitting of course….

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2012

    Re: Owens Valley Gathering/Workshop

    Hey Everyone, I hope this finds you and your families doing well…

    I unfortunately have been having unforeseen medical issues that can't wait to be dealt with!!! So I am going to cancel this year’s gathering but it does not mean others that have made plans and are able to still go even if it is just a few people! I’m sure it will be a great time to photograph the Eastern Sierras! Just keep an eye on the weather and enjoy yourselves for those of you who will still attend….

    If any one goes please share with me some photographs if you’re able to!

    I will be there in spirit! The next one a round of drinks are on me!!! Any questions please free to contact me via email or cell phone!

    Take care and stay healthy,


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